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A'nW the company xDD confedential (Not really..I dont know A'nW)
Seeking someone: a story by sinlesschick6
chapter three: The Plan

It was freezing. I never really liked the winter, all that snow gave me a head ache. So i was glad i was unable to see out of the car window. How fortunate, not.
Mike stoped and parked. Then he got out of the car, we must have been to their hide out or something. He started to pace back and forth looking in every direction. Then he through down his cigeret.
He opened my door slowly, picked me up by my shoulder, smiled, and then the last think i saw was his fist in my face. I blacked out.
I tried to peal my eyes open, but I was punched so hard i think my eyes were swollen and i must have had a blind fold on. This was way to much pain to handle in one night so i decided to just fall asleep, or just black out again.
When i awoke i was surprised i wasnt dead yet. I guess you could say i was lucky, but i wouldnt. I dont see any joy coming from my life at this point, at all.
I was sitting there alone in a cold dark room. All i wanted was to ether go home or be killed right now. Nothing else matters.
I asumed Mike was up because someone was yelling, and it sure wasnt Bernie. He was yelling on and on about how his face hurt. I think he was insane.
My head started to ache. I too thought i was going to go insane, but i kept my cool otherwise i would be shot. I was hopeless. All i wanted was to have the pain go away.
Then the yelling stoped and i heard foot steps coming toward me. The door opened and one of the men came in. The door slamed behind them. Mikey removed my blind fold. Then he started to whisper some thing into my ear. "i'm going to enjoy killing you."
My heart started to race. Was it my time to die or was he just trying scare me. Ether way it was working.
Then i heard the door close again. Bernie came in so quietly that Mike didnt even hear him.
"What are you doing?" Bernie asked
Mike didnt answer. he just got up from where he was at and just looked at him.
Bernie looked at me and then he asked Mike to see him in the hall. They left, I was alone again. I could hear them though through the wall.
Mike was telling him that he was making a plan to kill me before the boss found out she wasnt dead. Bernie told him that he had the perfect idea. Mike had to know.
And Bernie said, " We could get more money if we used her as a hostige."
" What a perfect plan." Mike said with an evil laugh
" And once we get the money we'll kill her any ways."
" I think we better fix her up first dont you think."
" Yeah, ok we'll take her to see Larrie, our special doctor, first thing in the morning."

next time: chapter four: The Doctor

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 03:26am
damm ! this is the best lol!
keep on writing lol
i love wat a good story! smile

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 04:25am
Great, I cant wait for the next installment wink

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theres always someone [********] hanging on.
Lick nuts ninja

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