Ello! My profile is VERY cool so far. Lol Kira.. xD
I'm watching Deathnote again, I love that anime.. :3 Anyway, nothing is going on so far. Hmm.. Well, I made good friends, my sister is the best sister ever! ^ ^ She's going to give me her Inari's beads! mrgreen She said she doesn't need it neutral I need it though, it was REALLY nice of her to do that! ^ ^ and now I lovers her! heart
There's a special someone on gaia now :3 heart which is the guy that asked me out.. you know... x3 Ya.. Some of you people know biggrin
Anyway, hmm... I always smell good after I took a shower, green apple is a good scent. People who read this journal should get it. Suave ^ ^ Ya, that's my shampoo. xD Lmao.
Anyway, OH! I made an account for my friend.. (with her e-mail) She doesn't really go on it.. sweatdrop
Oh well! xD
So, friends? :3
My friend that I'm going to talk about today is my best BEST friend. :3 She always talks to me on the phone, she helps me with my situations, she has a lot in common with me, and.. She's a good tutor! biggrin We always hang out, we like to talk a lot too.
ACK! I got to go leave Journal, my dog trying to jump on my lap. xDD
The Cute Little Bunny Says...

"Go see Sugar's Art!"