Well, today was okay, I wasn't using the computer for a week because do you know what happens to you when you're using the computer? More of you're life becomes drained from electronics and technoligy. Well, today was VERY hot. It sucks. stressed Anyway. The teachers at my school were challenging some people who are good at softball. Predict who's going to win.
(A) students
(B) teachers
Okay, if you chose teachers, you're correct. Anyway, I need to work on my profile. It sucks!!
Today's friend of mine is a female. She's my best bud because she's always there for me. She's weird in a good, funny way. She and I are always talking on the phone sometimes, and when we do, we talk about more than an hour. We talk, gossip, and... sing... haha. Well, journal, she's the best of the best. She likes watching family guy. I agree. It's SO funny! rofl ....... Anyway...
My sister said that she saw one of my teachers at a liquor store.. I'm all like:
"What?" eek
Today I asked him what he bought. He said water... I didn't belive him, so I said:
"Are you sure..?" stare In my mind Did I said that out loud?! gonk Omg omg omg omg omg... He looked at me and pause.. then he laughed. lol <- My teacher. So he said ya. stressed I was hoping for more!
By the way, I was kinda bored today. So this is why I'm going to do something random... mrgreen
biggrin !!!yayayayay!!! biggrin
O shizzles... I have school tomorrow... xp
The Cute Little Bunny Says...

"Go see Sugar's Art!"