Knowing You
When you meet someone that you think that you haven't met before, but your parents told you that you meat when you were young, it's weird to talk to each other when you met for the second time. And it was weird for me and my second cousins to tak when we met for the first time that we actually remember. And it took a while for all of use to talk. Well, not really, but my little cousins didn't know who they were and they were afraid to talk. When they came here, we had like a little party and it was so much fun because we came back from Colorado and we haven't seen them in a while other than that night. But anyways, I just want to say that it has still been a fun summer with you guys here to make this happen. We went to the Statue of Liberty and we were suppose to go to New York City, but we didn't go, but I hope you guys come here soon so we can have more fun, and this time, with everyone in the family, meaning all of our other cousins!
I can remember the time when we were in the car and Jacob, CJ double 2 III's little brother had this Guitar Hero thing on his DS! It was mad fun and also hard, doing the guitar hero on the DS, because you have to have the pick, and strump the guitar where the touch pad is, and it's really hard when you play the buttons, cause you do it sideways. When they first came here, I called him CJ, because that's what he said his name was, but I also had another cousin with the name of CJ. IT was funny! Everytime I said "CJ" he would always be like, "Which one is she talking about?" And sometimes, I would just play with him. I always forget his little brother's name because my brother always mension this other guy he hates named "Jason" so I get messed up with Jacob and Jason. It really is a hard name to remember when you know alot of people. But since I had two cousin named CJ, I called the little one "CJ double 2 Jr." and the older one "CJ double 2 III".
CJ double 2 Jr. is a funny name to me cause his dad's name is Jr.... HAHA. (Did people laugh at that?) Anyways, the other CJ double 2 III is named liked tat because he is the III of his family. His dad is the II and he was the III, so yeah. But I swear I can remember that name since I got used to the CJ double 2 Jr. But I remember when we were at back yard playing with the fireworks and everything with my friend and I. It took a while for CJ double 2 III and Jacob to get outside. THey were eating, so I wouldn't blame them, but they did look like they were suffering and I feel sorry for people alot. But yeah, that night they came, we were playing with fire and CJ double 2 III thought it was funny to throw a burnt water bottle at me. I scream like heck cause it was all sticky looking and everything. HAHA, you know. I remember when we went to my to New York, and we were talking about some Bakugan or something and they some really cute doll or it or action figures. Thanks CJ, for giving my fave which was some tiger looking thing with a tale and some little feet!!!! It really is mad cute!!!
I remember the time when we were going to the Statue of Liberty and when we went there, I was starting to really get some mad sea sickness. Trust me, don't eat if you're going to the boat after. It really is a bad thing to start! Then I remember when we arrived there, we saw these weird "brownies" on the sea, it was funny to me cause I really get drunk when I eat brownies. I remember that CJ III found a dime with his shadow, and we felt the awesome wind from that point. Near the sea, they give you some awesome wind... And if people don't want their hair to be messed up, then don't get too near to the edge. I remember when we went to my cousin's house that we played football. I told them I didn't know how to play football, so CJ and Josh used me as their dolls. Dude!!! I almost go tackled by a big foot and little mimime! You have no idea what that scene looked like from my point of veiw. Then I threw my shoe at my cousin John for laughing at me. So he thought that it was funny to throw my shoe to the forest. Then I asked CJ cause he was right there anyways, to fetch it for me. It was payback for making me the doll.
I remember when the guys were playing the Xbox 360 or something like Halo and I played the piano. Jacob and CJ III knew how play so they showed me one song. It was okay, so I asked CJ to teach me play it. Yeah, I really didn't get it. So then we had to go home and we played hide and seek at the backyard. They thought it was a really cool that our backyard was a cool backyard thing. So we played back there and they had some experience with Demon! And I still remember when Josh challenged Jacob on a swing contest and it was so funny cause when they jumped, Jacob fell face plant or head butt!!! Whichever was soooooooooo very funny to me! I remember when they were getting ready to leave, we all did this huge group hug. And then they took a picture!! We had to step on each other's foot just to stay on the ground. It was fun the whole time they were there!!! I already miss you ever though it will be days that past soon. But I just want to let your family know that I love you guys so very much. I want to see 15 years from now what we're doing!!!

When you meet someone that you think that you haven't met before, but your parents told you that you meat when you were young, it's weird to talk to each other when you met for the second time. And it was weird for me and my second cousins to tak when we met for the first time that we actually remember. And it took a while for all of use to talk. Well, not really, but my little cousins didn't know who they were and they were afraid to talk. When they came here, we had like a little party and it was so much fun because we came back from Colorado and we haven't seen them in a while other than that night. But anyways, I just want to say that it has still been a fun summer with you guys here to make this happen. We went to the Statue of Liberty and we were suppose to go to New York City, but we didn't go, but I hope you guys come here soon so we can have more fun, and this time, with everyone in the family, meaning all of our other cousins!
I can remember the time when we were in the car and Jacob, CJ double 2 III's little brother had this Guitar Hero thing on his DS! It was mad fun and also hard, doing the guitar hero on the DS, because you have to have the pick, and strump the guitar where the touch pad is, and it's really hard when you play the buttons, cause you do it sideways. When they first came here, I called him CJ, because that's what he said his name was, but I also had another cousin with the name of CJ. IT was funny! Everytime I said "CJ" he would always be like, "Which one is she talking about?" And sometimes, I would just play with him. I always forget his little brother's name because my brother always mension this other guy he hates named "Jason" so I get messed up with Jacob and Jason. It really is a hard name to remember when you know alot of people. But since I had two cousin named CJ, I called the little one "CJ double 2 Jr." and the older one "CJ double 2 III".
CJ double 2 Jr. is a funny name to me cause his dad's name is Jr.... HAHA. (Did people laugh at that?) Anyways, the other CJ double 2 III is named liked tat because he is the III of his family. His dad is the II and he was the III, so yeah. But I swear I can remember that name since I got used to the CJ double 2 Jr. But I remember when we were at back yard playing with the fireworks and everything with my friend and I. It took a while for CJ double 2 III and Jacob to get outside. THey were eating, so I wouldn't blame them, but they did look like they were suffering and I feel sorry for people alot. But yeah, that night they came, we were playing with fire and CJ double 2 III thought it was funny to throw a burnt water bottle at me. I scream like heck cause it was all sticky looking and everything. HAHA, you know. I remember when we went to my to New York, and we were talking about some Bakugan or something and they some really cute doll or it or action figures. Thanks CJ, for giving my fave which was some tiger looking thing with a tale and some little feet!!!! It really is mad cute!!!
I remember the time when we were going to the Statue of Liberty and when we went there, I was starting to really get some mad sea sickness. Trust me, don't eat if you're going to the boat after. It really is a bad thing to start! Then I remember when we arrived there, we saw these weird "brownies" on the sea, it was funny to me cause I really get drunk when I eat brownies. I remember that CJ III found a dime with his shadow, and we felt the awesome wind from that point. Near the sea, they give you some awesome wind... And if people don't want their hair to be messed up, then don't get too near to the edge. I remember when we went to my cousin's house that we played football. I told them I didn't know how to play football, so CJ and Josh used me as their dolls. Dude!!! I almost go tackled by a big foot and little mimime! You have no idea what that scene looked like from my point of veiw. Then I threw my shoe at my cousin John for laughing at me. So he thought that it was funny to throw my shoe to the forest. Then I asked CJ cause he was right there anyways, to fetch it for me. It was payback for making me the doll.
I remember when the guys were playing the Xbox 360 or something like Halo and I played the piano. Jacob and CJ III knew how play so they showed me one song. It was okay, so I asked CJ to teach me play it. Yeah, I really didn't get it. So then we had to go home and we played hide and seek at the backyard. They thought it was a really cool that our backyard was a cool backyard thing. So we played back there and they had some experience with Demon! And I still remember when Josh challenged Jacob on a swing contest and it was so funny cause when they jumped, Jacob fell face plant or head butt!!! Whichever was soooooooooo very funny to me! I remember when they were getting ready to leave, we all did this huge group hug. And then they took a picture!! We had to step on each other's foot just to stay on the ground. It was fun the whole time they were there!!! I already miss you ever though it will be days that past soon. But I just want to let your family know that I love you guys so very much. I want to see 15 years from now what we're doing!!!