1 year is here. July is busy.
Today is my and Bunny's 1 year anniversary. I do not get to see him today sadly, but I get a call later. Graar. Anyway, July starts tomorrow. That is a busy month. July 1st is my little sister Chrissy's 14th birthday and the premiere of this new show called The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Then there is the 4th of July. Fireworks and a BAR-B-Q!! Then July 7th is when Nancy Drew Phantom of Venice is officially released. Yay! July 11th is new Degrassi finally! The 27th is the 3rd season of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! That's all I can remember now, but I'm sure there is more stuff. I think we are going camping again during the end of July also.EDIT: 6:09 PM
 Avatar of the boy on m83 album cover Saturdays=Youth