Sorry for the delay, but as usual, things are getting pretty hectic with preparations for the Heartfall Abyss.
Day 130(Intended for last friday)
Ever since my journay to the Heartfall Abyss, things have quieted down around the castle. Namine/Mixanne is doing great as a new member(and she spends a lot of time with Roxas), and Axel and Caron are no longer under castle-arrest. I still hear the roaring and stuff on rare occasions, though. Things are going pretty well around here, except for the fact that I suck at finding new members unless I get lucky. I intend to change that(Somehow...).
Darxian, the Enigma himself, told me he will reveal one of his biggest secrets to me in a few days. We've gone on a few missions together, and we make a pretty good team, but that's not the only reason. He says we have something in common,as to what that is, I have only one clue. He told me he too is a half breed like my self, but from what I know of him, he's not a vampire. He told me, however, that in exchange, he would want to see one of my most precious memories. Which means that he will use one of his unique powers to unlock my lost memories. He says he is also doing this as a sort of favor, as i've helped him on numerous occasions. Know that the only memories I will reveal are the memory Darxian views, and anything else I think is important.
Speaking of half breeds, I decided to finally ask Caron if what he has in his bottle is really what I think it is. And since he's in such a good mood, he told me straight up, that he is indeed half-vampire like myself. So yes, his bottle has blood in it in case he needs it. Being half-vampire would also explain his excessive sexual tendencies(and that's all i'm gonna say on that subject)...
Axel is now free to roam about the worlds, but Caron still has two weeks probation left. And his new supervisor is Saix, which Caron isn't too happy about(since the only ting he really get's drunk off of is moonlight...and that Blue Moon Tequila stuff.). But he's still in a good mood otherwise. For some strange reason, I see Caron and Xenrog talking on occasions. There's something going on here that I can't put my Scythe blade on. Oh well...Until next time!!!! biggrin
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RIP Socks the Cat. 09/15
Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes

Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes