Hello to any and all who are reading my journal. Today I embark on a quest to Gamestop to partake in a grand Tournament!!! A Pokemon Tournament, that is, and my team is set.
Axel, my Infernape
Xeret, my Sceptile
Auramaster, my Lucario
Demyx, my Floatzel
Vexina, my Froslass
and last but not least, the infamous SLASHER, my Ribboned Zangoose!
These six will fight many skilled trainers, and we intend to come out victorious! The Tournament starts in a couple of hours, and I know not when I shall return. I do know that I will return, however, and you all will know how we fared in my very first tournament. Stay tuned!
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Xashowd's Ethereal Text
Xashowd's text of assorted happenings. May be written by the Reaplings on occasions.
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RIP Socks the Cat. 09/15
Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes

Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes