ROSES Some roses are red, for no tears should be shead, some roses are blue and means love is true, some roses are pink, witch makes my hart sink, some roses are green, but can be mean, most roses are Beautiful , and are most useable,
but the best rose isnt red blue pink or green, its hardly really rarely seen, infact it isnt a rose at all, its somethn that we fall, to that it would be, the love between You and Me
Made by Alexis.W
.................................................................. to days lesson is, never chew on coke zero canz=_=cuz ull get alot of cuts on ur lips and hands.....i found that out the hard way today.. ................................................................... eva since i got my hair striagtend....ppl call me a emo ....>< i was emo and tryed to kill my self a cupple of times but i found somethn to live for lol tho im gothic now>< i <3 the colour dark blue and blacklolz hmm....=O maby i am emo cuz i write depressin poetry....but i dont cut my self... weelll....i used to until my teacher saw the cuts.......meh watevalol
........................................................................ some random icons i like lol

XBloodSoakedYukiiX · Tue May 27, 2008 @ 08:23am · 1 Comments |