Hello once again. I haven't written in a while. So this is going to be a really long journal Entry. So to make it easier on some of you who don't have the time to read all of it I'm gonna divide it into sections. Their going to have titles to match what they are about. So just pick which one you think is the most interesting and read...or for those of you who actually have the time (Like Bryce) you can read the entire thing.
Their are sooo many storms in Texas. I never knew their could be so many in just two months. We've had almost 20 severe thunder storm, or tornado warnings. One got so bad that we had to stay an hour after school, and those parents waiting outside to pick up their children had to be brought inside as well. Actually theirs something on the news right now about a storm. Anyway another one got so bad that our back yard was turned into river, the water almost reached the back door. It also hailed so much that it looked like the ground that was showing looked like it had just snowed on for an hour.
2)Shay and Jacob.
They were my very first friends here in Texas. Shay is a bit strange. A few weeks after we met I found out she lives just down the street from me which is cool. She thinks she might be bipolar...which I think she might be right.
Jacob was here best friend when I met her. Hi is crippled but he can still walk. He is one of my best friends as well. Its cool because hes got the only good jokes at the school that don't include something related to sex. Most of the time my other friends just sit their making Fun of each other. And yes they are very immature...Anyway Jacob is a pretty cool person. Since last Monday Him and Shay have been going out. Its a weird couple but they seem to be happy.
Well a few weeks ago my friends an I were sitting on the bleachers in gym. My friend Daniel got the bright idea to poke my friend Jordan over and over and over again on his shoulder...Where he had really bad sunburn. Usually Jordan isn't a violent person, but that wasn't one of those days. Jordan was so pissed of that I just saw him stand up and urn over and kick Daniel in the stomach. After that all I saw was Daniel walk off the bleachers and grab the rail. He turned around and fell to the ground. Of course our dumb a** gym teachers didn't see any of this. They didn't even know one of their students was unconscious for almost 3 minutes. After Daniel woke up Jordan was of course really sorry. He didn't know he could actually kick that hard. Anyway that is one of the most exciting things to happen while I've been here in Texas.
My Birthday
Well my birthday was April 10. Only two of my friends in New York called to wish me a happy Birthday. And only two of my friends here on gaia wished me a happy Birthday. That was such a boring day. I got out of school early and I went out to eat with my mom. That was the only celebration we had for my birthday. I didn't get anything(this makes me seem kinda selfish.) and my dad was half way across the country. All my brothers but one remembered my birthday(not the one on my profile) My grandmother and my uncle remembered, and one aunt. Not even my uncle in New York, and his children remembered to call. Everybody remembered my brothers(the one on my profile)
Car accident.
A few weeks ago I was going to my brothers house. ( once again not the one on my profile)the brothers whose house I was going to was driving me their. Suddenly out of the corner of my Eye I saw a sudden explosion of car parts flying threw the air. This car was parked on side of the street on one of the Busiest roads in the city. Luckily one women stopped just in time to not hit the car. Unfortunately the fat guys in the truck behind were driving so close to her the they hit that back of her car. Sending her and her car up the curb and into a house. The car completely destroyed wall it hit. Both of the cars were in pretty bad shape after that. Luckily nobody was hurt.
I'm not done yet...
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