(Notice: This is slightly long so I've divided it into two sections, if you want you can just skip the first part, but it kinda helps if you read that part as well as the second)
------------------------------------BEFORE THE DANCE-----------------------------------------
Okey Dokey. So today, I woke up and it felt like any other day. I went to school talked with my buddies, but after school I was suppose to stay with Shay, and we were gonna hang out with Xavier. Then Chelsea was suppose to ride home with Shay, but Shay was staying after, but Chelsea couldn't because she didn't have a ride home. So she decided to ride home with me(Its the same bus as Shays). So then I decided not to stay after so Chelsea could go home with me, but then right before my last class of the day Shay told me that her mom decided that she was gonna pick us all up so we could go to the dance which I hadn't planned on going to but Shay bought me a ticket so I couldn't refuse. So I hoped to catch up with Chelsea before she got on my bus so that I could tell her that we were staying after. Lucky for me she was waiting for me at the back door so we went back inside and went looking for Shay, and Noah. Then we finally found them and She was with this short kid Christian. So she decided to break up with Justin, and go out with him, but then my friend Chelsea's "Gothic" friend Joseph (Different Justin) came up and Shay immediately fell for him. So after awhile they said on the announcements that if were not their for after school tutorials then we had to leave so we walked around with this teacher for a little bit, and ran into Chelsea's boyfriend Jordan. He was staying after for algebra, but decided to leave with us. So we went outside; Noah left, and Shays dad picked us up. We stayed at her house for a bit and my mom called and was pissed because she didn't say I could go to Shays, even though I was only there for about ten minutes, and its just down the road! So she told me to come home, and I did. I got dressed, and asked if I could go to the dance. She was pissed because I hadn't asked before but let me go anyway. So then I walked to Shay's house and then her mom brought us to Jordan, and Chelsea's house so they could get dressed and get their IDs. So then we headed for the Dance.
----------------------------------The Dance---------------------------------
So we got there and right when we got out of the car I ran into my Ex, Isabella, Since me and Isabella only went out for a week and didn't know each other that well we were still friends. So we walk up a little more and we run into Xavier and his girlfriend Kelsey, well now its Ex girlfriend. We gave them hugs, except for Jordan because hes homophobic, and stupid s**t like that. Then we went inside and the stupid whore Victoria from the Student Council is yelling at us because we have to get in line if we want to get into the dance. So we get in line, but we lose Isabella, Xavier, and Kelsey, oh and Kelsey's little friend. So we go inside and me and Jordan just stand there while Shay, and Chelsea dance with their friends. Then the stupid c**t faces from my bus come in and the tall blond whore Alex gos straight for Shay as soon as she spots her, and tries to get into another fight with her. Then she walks off as if shes all cool even, though she wears way too much eyeliner, has a retarded haircut where the right side is always hanging down the side of her face, and she was wearing those stupid hates that are meant to worn at a weird angel. She and that fat a** Cody look mentally retarded half the time but they think their better than us. So that kinda pissed me off. Then later Xavier tried to get me to dance with him cause he noticed I wasn't dancing. Then I realized hes friends with almost everyone at the school, except for the black people, but even then hes friends with a couple of them. Which kinda made me jealous cause I wish I had the courage to just talk with everyone and become friends with them. Then I went back to Shay, Jordan, Chelsea, Troy, Shay's friend, Isabella, and then that Gothic kid. So about a week ago my friend Chelsea spent the night at Shay's and gave her her first Cigarette, which pissed me off since I had just got Rachel to stop! So a few days later Shay had her second while we were waiting for the bus because she found a box with one in it. Then today she took one from her parents and brought it to the dance. So the kid Joseph realized he had a lighter and asked if anyone had any "Drugs" and Shay was all like "I do!" So Him and Shay went outside and Isabella, and Troy held the doors open so they could get back in, but The principal came and told us to get inside. So they decided to leave the dance and then pay five more dollars to get back in. So Isabella decided she wanted to go smoke it with them. Even though she doesn't seem like it Isabella has done some pretty bad s**t in her life, most of the time it was with Chelsea, and Chelsea's sister. So me and Isabella had become fast friends during the dance, which is funny because exactly one year ago at a dance at the elementary school Chelsea, had gone to a dance and become friends with Isabella to. Anyway Iza wanted me to go outside with her, but I didn't want to go unless my friends came since they would all be inside. So we were right near the exit, and we were trying to convince them to go outside. But the entire time the principal had been listening to us and saying that we wouldn't be able to come back inside if we went out. So then she just decided to not let any of us go because it was "Dangerous." So we went back into the cafeteria, and Iza decided that she needed to get out there, so she snuck out the back of the Cafeteria. This really pissed me off because I hate it when my friends do drugs! It especially pissed me off because I decided that I wanted to give my relationship with Iza another chance, but as you read she went outside. So I just waited there. Then this one girl had an emotional break down. I won't go into detail, but my friend Chelsea was trying to comfort her, and all her friends. Then Kelsey's little friend was all sad and crap to like 2 hours later. And while Kelsey went to go dance, Xavier was sitting their and trying to make her feel better. And the entire night he was just being really nice to me, and his girlfriend, and it really pissed me off because She broke up with him later that night! And he really, really liked her. So Rachel finally gets to the dance and I'm talking with her, and she says that Xavier was Cheating on Kelsey (this was before I knew they broke up) So I told her that I didn't believe her because I know Xavier and he wouldn't do that. Also I didn't want to believe it because I like him, and when someone cheats I lose a lot of respect for them, and I didn't want to believe Xavier would do that. So as I just finished talking about it with her I noticed Xavier sitting with that weird Scene girl from my grade, and they were holding hands. Right then I turned around to Rachel, and said "OK I believe it now." That pissed me off some more, because I know that girl and She'll just fall for any ******** guy she sees. Shes a slute, big time! So I walked away and tried to calm down some more because I wanted this to be a good dance, and not the depressing ones I normally have. So I just tried to stay away from the front of the room, and watch my friend try to dance. It didn't really help because the three that were locked outside kept coming up to the back doors so we could let them in but so many people kept crowding around that it caught the teachers attention, so eventually they sent the assistant principal, and the the Principal herself to go so what was out there. Luckily they weren't caught. So the dance went on for another half hour or so, and Jordan, me and Shay's other friend were just sitting there bored out of our minds, until around 9:38 when we went outside and ran into Iza, Justin, Shay, Troy, and Rachel. Then Rachel and I kept stealing Troy's Skateboard, and hat and ran away with it. So I we were all talking and I learned that Isabelle, was going out with Justin now, and once again I was pissed! Then I told Chelsea about how I wanted to go out with her and I'm getting kinda annoyed because all the people I want to go out with, well just theirs always some kinda of Opstical. First it was Jordan, but he's Homophobic, and then went out with Chelsea, but I was kinda happy because Chelsea really liked Jordan. Although she had thought about breaking up with him but she wanted to wait until after the Dance to see if she was going to. It made me happy when she decided that she wasn't going to. So after Jordan came Xavier, but I didn't like him until a couple of weeks ago when I really got to know him. But then he went out with Kelcey, and now that stupid slute! Shay told me he was Bi, but I wasn't really sure, but me and Chelsea think he might be, but I also hope he is. Still even if he is, and he breaks up with that girl, theirs still like dozens of other girls who want to go out with him! So I'm thinking about just giving up. So now I like Isabella as well as Xavier. So I didn't really know her that well while we were going out, but now I actually want to go out with her, but now I can't which really sucks. Its kinda funny though because Isabella had left Xavier for me, so that kinda gave me and him something to talk about when we first met. So when we left I was a little disappointed with tonight. After we got into the car we dropped Jordan off, then Chelsea, and then me. So here I am now writing this thing as if anyone really ******** cares, and now I'm done.
----------That Evil b***h Shay!!---------
Two weeks ago I went to my friend Shay's house. My friend Chelsea and Jordan were there as well. Chelsea was spending the night. So I left around six, and Jordan and Chelsea stayed longer. Shay knew that I liked Jordan because, well thats how I figured out I was bi, anyway it turns out for no ******** reason at all Shay told Jordan I liked him. Now Jordan is like super Homophobic and s**t as I said before. Lucky for me he really didn't give a crap, and just Said, "I've kinda known for a like a month now. Thats why I don't hug him." So that was slightly a relief, but still Shay was the person I trusted the most with my secrets, and now I realize that I can never trust her again. Now I'm gonna have to pretend that I don't want to cut her ******** head off and kick it around like a soccer ball every time I see her. It just pisses me the ******** off soooo damn much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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