Day 102(intended for last weekend)
With Xigbar as my partner in this buisiness, I made the meeting with Xemnas, and I made it count. I've obtained answers to everything from Abyssa, to Organization 29, to "What the heck are we doing next?". This is the conversation:
Me: Xemnas!
Xemnas: Yes, what is it Shadow?
Me: I request a meeting with you.
Xigbar: Uh, me too.
Xemnas: And the request?
Me: It's high time i got some answers, and you're gonna give 'em to me.
(Xemnas stood there, as though mulling it over...)
Xigbar: Uh, Shadow? I don't think it was such a good idea to demand this from Xemnas...
(Xemnas starts laughing)
Xemnas: ...and so to get those answers, you would demand them from me? In any other circumstance, you would probably feel the sting of my blades.(Brings one out) But as it is(Retracts it), this is exactly what I have been waiting for.
Xigbar: What? No explosion?
Xemnas: No, Xigbar. I have been waiting for Shadow to ask, or. as you so aptly put it, demand the answers to all of his questions. As you so said Shadow, it is "High time".
Me: Well then, first, who is Abyssa's father?
Xemnas: (Waits a few seconds) ...When I look in the mirror, I see him.
Me: (I ponder it for a few seconds) mean...?
Xemnas: Yes?
Me: ...That you're...the-
Xigbar: Father, daddy-o, padre? Yep, he's that and more...
Me: But how? Why?
Xemnas: I knew that while Nothingness is eternal, I am not. I wished to have a successor. Someone to take over when I become truly nothing.
Me: But... Jewelara?
Xemnas: My decendant needed to have the power nessesary to become leader of our organization. He or she also had to be as we are, and Jewelara was the only one avaliable.
Me: But...Abyssa...
Xigbar: Isn't a freak of nature? Nope, cause were similar to humans. It's the emotional part that gets a little screwy.
Me: So, the reason she was so lost all the time...
Xemnas: Was because of conflicting emotions and non-emotions, yes. But know that she is not my only decendant. Just the last, and the one who grew the fastest.
Me: How many more kids do you have?
Xemnas: Only two more, but i'll tell you about Xrikia and Xonhingt another time. Now, your next question?
Me: What was the real purpose behind bringing back Organization 29?
Xigbar: Yeah, what's with the extra crowd?
Xemnas: Two reasons: first, my memory still has a few holes in it, and at times, i've been referred to as Xehanort by the Organization 29 members. Yet Techxon says they don't refer to the time I was Ansem's apprentice with Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo. I believe they may hold the key to my lost memory.
Me: And reason #2?
Xemnas: The renagade Heartless and Unknown that still remain. More than 13 members are needed to exterminate the threat.
Xigbar: Wait, what are Unknown?
Me: Seizax told me and Roxas when we visited him. He said that while Heartless are the darkness in beings hearts, and Nobodies are the body, mind and will, Unknown are the spirit that is left behind when a Nobody is formed, or when a natural Heartless, like a Neoshadow, Doesn't leave a Nobody behind after it's creation.
Xigbar: Ok, what do they look like?
Me: Well, i've never actually seen one, but Seizax says they reside in suits of armor, and that they have no faces.
Xigbar: Freaky. So, what do we do about them?
Xemnas: The renagades? Destroy them if you ever see the glint of their armor. The main army on the world of Metallox? Nothing, for they a slumbering with their king, and are currently no threat to us.
Me: Last question. What do we do next?
Xemnas: You are going to find the remaining four members that we need. We will discuss what to do afterwards.
Me: Wait, four? There are five spots that need occupants.
Xemnas: Well, the other members and I have decided that you would fit the number 15 spot in Organization 29 well, seeing as you have more experiance than Riku and Caron.
Xigbar: Welcom to the big leagues, man!
Me: Wow, thanks! Does Axten know?
Xemnas: Not yet. Xaldin has sent one of his Xordagons to let him know, but i'm sure he would approve. The decision was unanimous. Oh, I have also heard that Axten has found another new member as well, which will leave only 3 spots to fill. better get right on it.
Me: I will.
...Well, I guess i'm covered! I suppose Xemnas will tell us about his other kids when he's ready. In the meantime, I have to find more members. None of the Gaians I know have found any leads. I'll have to post an advertisement on the Gaia forums if I want results.
Unfortunatly, I don't have any funny news today, 'cause other than Xewith and Xenrogs constant bickering, nothing has really happened. Although Demyx came back from patrol yesterday telling us about some freaky creature cloaked in armor that he spotted, but that it ran down to the Heartfall Abyss and dissappeared before he could catch it. I'm wondering if it might have been an Unknown, but until i see it for myself, there's no way to be sure. Also, Zexion has finished with the pouches and some other Infinity items, so I should have a detailed list of who has what in their pouches sometime soon. Until next time!!!! biggrin
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