-It's so unfair! -Thought Marimo. Having to protect an incompetent crazy girl mage all the way to a marvelous dreamy city... then he remembered he was the incompetent. He was starting to believe his own lies. But Berry was still a crazy girl. He stared at her. She looked defeated. Maybe she was also starting to believe the lies?
Aunt Veverilda helped Marimo pack up, while his mom quietly cried in a corner. Dad, as usual, was chopping wood. When he was done, along with the eight huge trunks packed by aunt Veverilda, he left for the town gate. As the one-on-one contest weren't finished, Berry and him were the first to leave. He did only expect his family and maybe some of Berry's. Little did he know that almost half the adults from Hung Town were at the gate. Did the story of him cleverly disposing of a gigantic malignant wobble run so fast? He was feeling both proud of his new gained fame and ashamed it was not true at all. Governor Pumpkinbelly was there too. Marimo started sweating. His shame became guilt. Little did he know.
He arrived to the gate, the crowd looking at him. Nobody showed the slightiest hint of emotion. Only his mom and aunt. Well, mostly his mom. Twenty minutes later Berry arrived with a half-asleep look in her face. Then every single adult present, including mom and aunt Veverilda cheered and yelled in exitement.
-Uncork the champaigne bottles! -Yelled a man. It was no joke, people actually uncorked several bottles making a unlikely spectacle covering the sky with stelles of sparkly golden bubbles and cork comets. Marimo did not have a clue. And he was starting to get used to it. When the champaige-works were done, Many people started cheering. Finally, the strange cat girl was leaving. In the exitement of the crowd, Marimo lost track of his family, so he couldn't ask why was people happy for the departure of Berry. The governor pulled him to the gate and shove him and Berry out. Then the ever opened steel gates of the Town closed behind them with a loud bang. He suspected Berry was dangerous. And he was alone with her in the forest path with no chance to escape.
To be continued...