-Explosive log! -cried Berry. Weird battlecry, thought Marimo. They both got where the malignant wobble was finishing eating the tree.
-Wait... so, you mean it's going to explode? Said Marimo.
-I'm not that sadistic- Said Berry with a sadistic expression - Its poop, however...
The wobble's face changed dramatically. It went from satisfaction to pain to relief to satisfaction to utter relief to huge pain. A predictable sound occurred then the wobble stood still for a bit, then another predictable sound occurred. Then the poops started exploding. Berry ran gracefully and avoided every single poop fragment that flew across the air. Marimo did not. Then the wobble started bitting the soil. It bit and spit away on and on until it disappeared from sight. Then the forest started rumbling again for a while. When things were back to normal less weird, Marimo caught up to Berry. I'll spare you the mocking.
-Wobbles hate the smell of poop. This one is going to bury itself for a couple of years. Well, little mage, you owe me. And you can't take it back, you owe me your life as well.
Weird situation for Marimo. Everything in plain sight was covered in jelly-like wobble poop, smelled worse and a dangerous girl was asking him a favor he couln't deny. He was too afraid to move.
To be continued...