This one i have nearly everything for appart from a few things which i REALLY need! Donating would mean A LOT to me and it would help me loads to get this AMAZING avatar that i want.
So, You gonna help me or are you going to be a meanie chum and sit on your a** keeping hold of your kindness and friendliness and leave me here... stranded like a lost sheep.
Hey, don't even think about contemplating that idea.
Please help me!

Total Value: 28,001 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Emo Glasses mrgreen
Buck Teeth mrgreen
Elven Ears mrgreen
GO Phones
White Zoot Suit Tapa mrgreen
Beat Slim Black Shoes mrgreen
White Stockings mrgreen
Clean White Tavern Wench's Blouse mrgreen
Suspenders mrgreen
White Leather Belt mrgreen
Soft Black Underwear mrgreen
mrgreen = I've Bought It
heart = Someone with a KIND heart who loves me dearly has donated it.
Pleash help...
-Puppy Dog Eyes-

Total Value: 9,878 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Drop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull Hairpin
Water Puddle mrgreen
White Galoshes
Blue Candy Striped Stockings mrgreen
White Wool Top
Periwinkle Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top
Green-Blue Winter Scarf
Green-Blue Winter Beanie
Ok - Moving on. This is one that i have just recently designed. I think ish quite cute!

Total Value: 9,900 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Zorro Mask mrgreen
Baby Blue Toothbrush
Kitty Slippers mrgreen
White Stockings mrgreen
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Air Punctured Plaid Button-up
Elegant Blue Ribbon
Ooooh, Another one xp

Total Value: 21,985 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Bunny Luv mrgreen
Beat Slim Orchid Shoes
Dotted Party Dress
Fancy Pink Ribbon
Grace of Aphrodite
Long-Stem Pink Rose
Light Purple Leg Warmers

Total Value: 14,238 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Puppy Ears
Blue Whiskers Face Tattoo
Upper Arm Bandage
Black Cowboy Bandana
Snowbored Gloves Blue
Blade's Black Boots
Black Leather Belt
Blue Stockings
Dashing Gentleman Sapphire Vest
Black Strapless Bra mrgreen
Soft Black Underwear mrgreen
Alien Antenna Horns

Total Value: 26,931 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blue Torque Shades
Red Stripes Head Tattoo
Blue Stripes Right Arm Tattoo
Blue Stripes Left Arm Tattoo
Kitty Slippers mrgreen
Buck Teeth mrgreen
Elegant Blue Ribbon
Blue PomPom Gloves mrgreen
Indigo Tavern Wench's Bustier
White Leather Belt mrgreen
Cool Basic Skirt mrgreen
Blue Candy Striped Stockings mrgreen

Total Value: 36,244 Gold, 6,900 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Strapless Bra mrgreen
Red Heart Hairpin
Bullet Belts
Zorro Mask mrgreen
Lovely Genie Red Belly Gem
Burned Apocaripped Work Gloves
Centaur Black Potion
Sentry Security: Sunukkuhkau
I think i spend too much time on TekTek. Oh well, passes the time. Here is one of the most AMAZING avatars i have designed and i'd do ANYTHING to get it. Excluding eating any form of poo or gone off food. I think i'd even eat mushrooms to get it and i hate mushrooms! I would REALLY appreciate ANY help at all! It would mean the whole UNIVERSE to me.

Total Value: 154,393 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blue PomPom Gloves
Blue Candy Striped Stockings mrgreen
Lovely Genie White Belly Gem
Whip of Ice
Those Black 90s Pants
Suspenders mrgreen
Blue Fur-Trimmed Bra mrgreen
Western Zodiac

Total Value: 251,312 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gold Prince's Rapier
DandiiDooDad Spore mrgreen
Gift of the Gods
Brown Musketeer Top
Egyptian Gold Bracelet mrgreen
Egyptian Gold Bracelet mrgreen
Cloud mrgreen
Tiny Pixie Wings mrgreen
Gift of the Goddess