4laugh = Someone Donated It
ninja = Questing It
This is the first one i intend to try and get. I love the colour green and i adore snakes. Plus i just plainly love this outfit heart

Total Value: 29,461 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Green Heart Face Tattoo
Drop Dead Gorgeous Moonlight Heels
Green Corallus Egg 2nd gen.
Elven Ears mrgreen
Leafy Tavern Wench's Cincher ninja
Leafy White Gathered Tavern Wench's Skirt mrgreen
Clean White Tavern Wench's Blouse mrgreen
Sacred Leaf ninja
The Schoolgirl look is my next one. I know it looks fairly simple and not extremely "All That" but i like it!

Total Value: 19,664 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Gloves
Black Paintbrush
Coal Couture Boots
Charcoal Sketchbook
Gray Puffy Hat
Grey University Skirt
Grey University Uniform Top
The Foxy Spy look is the third look i want. I like the tail and the ears and i just wanted something to go with it. While i was flicking through the clothes i just decided to make her a Foxy Spy girl, or something like that.

Total Value: 31,830 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Vest
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Black Heart Face Tattoo
Black Star Arm Tattoo
Beat Slim Black Shoes mrgreen
Black Fishnet Stockings mrgreen
Black Strapless Bra mrgreen
Soft Black Underwear mrgreen
Lawl And Order Belt
Black Holographic Eyepiece
I don't know what brought this one on. But i like it. I'm very fussy when it comes to colour co-ordination and i found out that Purple and White go very well together!

Total Value: 43,237 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Heart Face Tattoo
Beat Slim Orchid Shoes
White Stockings mrgreen
Purple Pinstripe Vest
G-LOL Bruise Mistress Skirt
Soft Black Underwear mrgreen
White Ruffled Top mrgreen
Heh.. Don't even ask with this one. I just like it. I think it's stylish and i wanted an outfit to go with the hat. I'd rather have the hat black instead of red but they don't have it in black

Total Value: 21,819 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Those Black 90s Gloves
Those Red 90s Pants
Red Wine Pimpin' Hat
Black Heart Face Tattoo
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo mrgreen
Black Strapless Bra mrgreen
Black Leather Belt
Yeah. I know this is going to take me a long time to get. A very long time. Why are the kitties so expensive?! AAAAAARGH. Anyways, you like it? I do. Even though it's really simple.

Total Value: 347,240 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lex's Dark Shorts
Upper Arm Bandage
Gothic Veil
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Ok.. This is an outfit that i think looks really good in the winter. Plus i just love the style heart

Total Value: 52,992 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Elven Ears (Feline)
Ballerinas Circlet
Leather Couture Boots
Superior Form
Winter Snow Flake Sweater
Brownie Basic Skirt
Hmm.. Going for a more 'Tribal' look, if you can call it that. I think it's cute! I especially like the tiger mask.

Total Value: 31,602 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Coal Couture Boots
Assassin's Guise
Year of the Tiger
Any donations would be REALLY nice. Kindness doesn't cost anything. Hmm, hang on - I'll take that back in this case. redface
- Ok, my little brother designed this one and he wanted me to put it on here to show peoples. I don't even know why i bother sometimes..

Total Value: 59,654 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wild Things
Vampire Hunter Hat
Assassin's Guise
Assassin's Guise