Heehee. It always feels good to send someone to the brink, and over it. I have transcribed just such an occasion, for you, my ever-faithful reader(s?). Enjoy... >3
Rev: -pokes-
Me: *coughs up blood*
Rev: D8
Rev: Oh dear.
Rev: -hands you a towel-
Me: *chews on it*
Me: Good flavor.
Rev: o.O
Rev: Thank you...?
Me: You're welcome.
Me: =3
Rev: Can I help you with anything else...?
Rev: Perhaps to stop the bleeding?
Me: Bleeding?
Me: *blood gushes out*
Rev: x.x
Me: What do you mean?
Rev: -points-
Rev: That red stuff right there.
Me: ...
Me: ...Are you messing with my brain...?
Rev: Nope.
Me: I'm onto you. >;3
Rev: -whistles-
Rev: Nope nope.
Rev: Not at all.
Rev: ;3
Me: Feel kinda woozy. @ 3@
Rev: x.x
Rev: Why?
Rev: D8
Me: Dunno...
Me: *coughs up large amounts of blood*
Me: It's weird.
Rev: -hands you another towel-
Me: Ah, I'm not hungry.
Rev: But... the blood?
Rev: How do we stop it?
Rev: D8
Me: I already figured OUT that you're messing with me, Rev. XD
Me: You can cut it out, geez. =3
Rev: -sighs-
Rev: Of course...
Rev: -.-''
Rev: You're too smart.
Me: That might be true. XD
Me: *passes out from blood loss*
Rev: x.x
Rev: Erm...
Rev: Medic?
Me: *I show up on the scene in an EMT outfit*
Rev: ...
Rev: D8
Me: What appears to be the problem, miss?
Rev: But but...
Rev: how?
Rev: D8
Me: You called for a medic, of course.
Me: Oh my!
Me: This handsome devil here appears to be...
Me: ...sleeping, Just sleeping.
Me: People who do that are usually fine.
Me: Don't worry!
Rev: Well yes quite the handsome devil ;3
Rev: But sleeping!?
Rev: What about the blood?
Rev: D8
Me: Sure!
Rev: -points-
Me: Hmmm?
Rev: The... bloood!
Rev: D8
Me: I is an expert, miss. I would know if there was blood, or whatever you call it.
Me: I do notice a serious poke wound, on closer inspection...
Me: Some internal damage is likely to have been caused by it.
Rev: So then shouldn't something be done?
Rev: D8
Me: Well, we wouldn't want to wake him up.
Rev: =
Rev: BAD.
Me: Miss, don't make up medical terms.
Rev: You used internal damage!
Rev: D8
Me: ("Bleeding", I swear... where do they come up with it? XD)
Rev: -twitches-
Me: I guess I could give 'im the ol' slice-open routine. =3
Rev: o.o
Rev: Are you sure you're a medic?
Me: Miss, are you delirious?
Rev: Probably.
Me: Why else would I be dressed like one?
Me: Geez... XD
Rev: Do you have credentials?
Rev: x.x
Me: Hmmkay... You think you're so smart, you can slice him open.
Me: *hands you a scalpel*
Rev: o.o
Rev: Noooo.
Rev: -backs away-
Me: Aww, c'mon. You've trained for this, remember?
Rev: *you are suddenly wearing an EMT uniform as well*
Rev: o.o
Rev: -tugs at outfit-
Rev: I wasn't wearing this before.
Rev: D8
Me: Long hours getting to ya, huh?
Me: Don't worry.
Rev: Er...
Rev: sure.
Rev: Yeah.
Rev: -hands scalpel back- You can do it.
Me: We can hit the oxygen tanks after shift's over. >;D
Rev: xDD
Me: Awh... I did the LAST one!
Me: Dun wanna. *pout*
Rev: But but... you're so much better than me!
Me: I guess we could just take the ambulance back to Memorial, shove it onto someone else.
Rev: I suppose we could.
Me: Driver!
Rev: You or me?
Rev: xD
Me: *another you looks back from the driver's seat*
Rev: o.o
Me: We goin'?
Rev: -opens and shuts mouth then nods-
Me: Driver: Alright then!
Me: *ambulance takes off into the sky*
Rev: o.o
-thinks to self- Did I take something...?
Me: *gets some pizza*
Me: Want a slice?
Rev: Sure...
Rev: -takes a slice and munches-
Me: *it is delicious*
Rev: -nods-
Rev: It is.
Me: Who are you talking to?
Me: OwO
Rev: -shakes head-
Rev: Nevermind.
Rev: I really must be crazy.
Me: *wearing the Mad Hatter's hat*
Rev: o.o
Rev: Where...?
Rev: D8
Me: *other Rev shoves you out of the way to take my seat, and I get on the operating table*
Me: Go go GO!
Me: You have to change places!
Rev: To where!?
Rev: D8
Me: *puts on the bloody patient's smock and lies down*
Me: *blood loss me gets up and drives*
Me: It doesn't matter, just change!
Me: The Unbirthday cannot continue otherwise.
Me: And I'm sure you want your presents.
Rev: Erm...
Rev: -takes your spot as the EMT?-
Me: Other Rev: "Treacle. Zzzzz..."
Rev: o.o
Me: Other Rev: "The patient is flatlining!"
Me: Doctor me: *chuckles on the operating table*
Me: Patient me: *collapsed in the driver's seat*
Rev: -walks over-
Rev: Er...
Rev: Doctor?
Me: Yes? *chuckle*
Rev: Why are you laughing?
Me: Be quick about it, I am flatlining.
Me: Ah!
Rev: x.x
Me: Why don't you tell me?
Me: This IS your dream...
Rev: WHA?
Rev: x.x
Rev: Okay.
Rev: I'm dreaming.
Rev: So...
Me: Of course.
Me: Other Rev: That's obvious.
Rev: I dream that the patient, not doctor, is saved from the horrible poke wound.
Me: No you don't. You can't decide the course of a dream.
Rev: D8
Me: As it is, I will die on the table, and you will go for a sandwich with yourself.
Rev: ...
Me: Are you ready to continue?
Rev: -nods-
Me: Alright, then. Pick up the scalpel
Rev: -picks up scalpel-
Rev: D8
Me: Goodbye...
Rev: Bye bye...
Me: *white light encompasses everything*
Me: ...Rev!
Me: *shakes you*
Me: Geez... Going to sleep in the middle of a conversation...
Rev: o.o
Rev: x.x
Rev: I'm... sorry?
Me: Hahaha, it's fine!
Me: You must need rest.
Rev: Yeah...
Rev: Of course...
Me: Hmm, what?
Me: Wake up. XD
Rev: I am!
Rev: I think...
Rev: x.x
Me: *bops you on the head*
Me: Did you feel that?
Rev: -nods-
Me: Alright then. So anyway...
Me: *other Rev walks in*
Rev: X.X
Me: Other Rev: ...Ah! She's awake!
Me: *other Rev runs off*
Rev: Waaaaaah?
Me: What?
Rev: But but...
Rev: There was another me!
Me: ...? ^^;
Me: Maybe you need more rest.
Rev: Maybe.
Me: Those long shifts are hell.
Me: Anyway, I told her...
Rev: Her...?
Rev: Dx
Me: ...that if she wants to be treated like a pirate, she'd just HAVE to get an eyepatch!
Me: Hmm?
Rev: I had an eyepatch!!
Me: That's my point.
Me: Haven't you been listening?
Me: "See, take Rev," I said.
Rev: x.x
Rev: I am so lost right now.
Me: "She had an eyepatch."
Rev: I know I did.
Me: It'll make more sense the second time through.
Rev: From when my cat scratched my eyelid.
Me: It always does...
Rev: -is still lost-
Me: Would you like control?
Rev: Control?
Me: Yes.
Rev: Of?
Me: Everything. Anything. It doesn't matter.
Rev: Hm...
Rev: Are you playing mind games with me again?
Me: Totally.
View User's Journal
A long time ago, I messed with my journal, never meaning to actually write anything. Little did I know that, forever after, it would say I had a journal, only to lead to an empty void when you clicked the button. I could NOT get rid of that button. It bugged me so much... who KNOWS how many dreams I must've crushed. Roll to present day: my boredom (of the type one only gets when one has something that they are supposed to be doing) gets the better of my revulsion for writing, and an honest-to-goodness journal is born. Enjoy!

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