I went to Comic Con a couple days ago. You might have seen the announcement that there was going to be a Gaia room there, as part of the "Kiki's Road Trip across America!" or whatever. While there, I spent about $100 and got a pile of comics about a foot and a half high. I literally have about 20 times the comics I did beforehand. I stopped by the Gaia thing, and got two "free gold vouchers" that gave me 1700 gold each, but that part wasn't too interesting. The Gaia-type people were about the kind of people you'd expect to travel long distances with a stuffed cat strapped to their head to meet other people with stuffed cats strapped to their head. I can at least say I have more dignity than THAT. I swear, there was like a posse of fat ugly 15-year-olds wandering around in ill-placed replicas of Gaia items. I might have laughed if it wasn't so sad. All in all, it was a lot of fun though. I high-fived both Batman and the Green Lantern. ^^
In other news, I'm going to my sister's house for Thanksgiving. It'll be nice to be able to spend time with her. I got her a present at Comic-Con: a sticker of one of those little forest spirits from Princess Mononoke. She really likes that movie, so I think she'll like it.
...Um, bah. Can't think of anything particularly funny to say. Oh no... I-If I don't say funny things, my journal will be boring! No one will read a boring journal! EVERYONE WILL HATE ME!!! I AM A FAILURE!!! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! BLEEEEARGH!!! *punches self in forehead*
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View User's Journal
A long time ago, I messed with my journal, never meaning to actually write anything. Little did I know that, forever after, it would say I had a journal, only to lead to an empty void when you clicked the button. I could NOT get rid of that button. It bugged me so much... who KNOWS how many dreams I must've crushed. Roll to present day: my boredom (of the type one only gets when one has something that they are supposed to be doing) gets the better of my revulsion for writing, and an honest-to-goodness journal is born. Enjoy!

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![]() storm_talons013 Community Member ![]() |
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![]() storm_talons013 Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
WOW.... thats a lot of books huh? O.o....
aww... thats so nice biggrin i hope you have a fun thanksgiving ^^
LOL xD i think all your journal entry things are interesting no matter what xd
and... no punching yourself! stressed .... sad .... xD