If you're looking for the actual zodiac members, look at the entry before this one
Kureno Sohma:

once upon a time, he was the 'rooster' of the Chinese Zodiac. however, his curse broke (though no one knows how or why) and so he's simply human
Akito Sohma:

Akito is 'god' who called all the animals to the banquet at the very beginning.
Kyo Sohma:

he's the 'cat' from the Chinese Legend. the cat missed the banquet so that's why he's not in the zodiac (so says the legend). Kyo's also in love with Tohru.
Tohru Honda:

she's the main character, and savior to those trapped by the Zodiac Curse. she's kind to all, and usually pretty spacey. she's also in love with Kyo.