he's the 'dog' of the Chinese Zodiac! (if you don't understand, buy the manga and read it)
Yuki Sohma:
uniform version

he's the 'rat' of the Chinese Zodiac.
Hatsuharu Sohma:

he's the 'ox' of the Chinese Zodiac (though in the show and manga, he transforms into a cow), and he's in love with Rin.
Kagura Sohma:

she's the 'boar' of the Chinese Zodiac, and she's in love with Kyo (you'll see him later)
Momiji Sohma:

he's the 'rabbit' of the Chinese Zodiac. (and he's really hard to clothe with TekTek! scream burning_eyes )
Ritsu Sohma:

he (yes it's a guy believe it or not) is the 'monkey' of the Chinese Zodiac (my year! so don't mess with him! evil ). he dresses like a girl because he says it calms him down. oh, and Ritsu wanted me to tell you that, "he's sorry for plaguing you with his presence! he'll apologize to the whole world for this crime and sin!!!" rofl xd
Hatori Sohma:

he's the 'dragon' of the Chinese Zodiac (though in the show and manga, whenever he transforms he becomes a seahorse xd )
Ayame Sohma:

he's the 'snake' of the Chinese Zodiac. he's also the older brother of Yuki, and he owns his own shop where he designs 'costumes'. sweatdrop (hence the yarn)
Kisa Sohma:

she's the 'tiger' of the Chinese Zodiac. she's still in elementary/middle school (depends on how far you've gotten in the series), and she likes Hiro.
Hiro Sohma:

he's the 'ram' of the Chinese Zodiac. he's also in elementary/middle school (like Kisa it also depends on where you are in the series), and he's in love with Kisa whee
Isuzu 'Rin' Sohma:

she's the 'horse' of the Chinese Zodiac. she's also in love with Hatsuharu.
In the next post will be everyone who's NOT in the zodiac, but still on the show!