Day 35
Major reason for not being on here: Axel accedentally shot a phoenix flame into the portal and it has been fluctuating like crazy!! Axel & Xigbar are fixing it though.
I have only managed to fill one bucket at gambino so far,but this world does owe me a striper. during one fishing trip, i caught a gray striper with grade F fish bait, but something happened, and i lost it and every other fish i got up to that point! an i didn't leave in the middle! good thing i now know bass'ken has striper, but this world owes me one... stare
I think it's about time to state my stats. i explained Caron's, and any kingdom hearts saga savvy person knows all 13 others. so here are the stats i wish to share.
Name: Shadow Official Org. 13 name: Xhados
Weapon1: Darkscythe Weapon2: Dark Zabuza blade
( I once visited the ninja world. the shape and multiple possibilities of Zabuza's blade enthralled me, so i made one of my own, complements to Zabuza.)
Elements: Darkness, Shadow, Phantom, Wind, and Vampire( reason explained and yes, it is an element)
Peculiarity: i'm Half Nobody, Half Vampire( i wonder what you'd call that?),so i'm different from the other Org.13 members.
Friends: Axel (me and him get along really well), Caron(as previously mentioned, i help keep him out of too much trouble, but he's also fun to hang around with, if a little perverted at times), Xigbar ( we have three things in common: we're dudes, we're friends with Axel, and we both just love blowin s--- up on Ratchet and Clank. it's just how it is), Xemnas (he and i have something in common...), and Xaldin( we both like wind and flying, it's awesome!). i'm on good terms with all the other members, although Saix and i fight sometimes ( the whole Vampire/Werewolf conflict thing).
Personality: as with most Vampires, i'm some what shy, but i will speak my mind if i need to. i also anger easily, but i can control myself pretty well, so it's ok to be around me( anyway, if i'm angry, Caron usually does somethin so hilarious that everyone just bursts out laughing. calms me right down). i don't trust people often. only my best friends know my best kept secrets, Axel is among them(and he has been sworn to absolute secrecy. if u know anything about vampires, u know how seriously binding that is.). also, as with most vampires, i'm supposed to drink blood once a month. however, as i'm a half-breed, i have found out that extremely juicy things, like fruit, work just as well. so you know the castle is always gonna have an excellent supply of watermelons around! biggrin biggrin biggrin
Well, that's all i want to share at this time, i hope this was informative enough for you. until next time!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
P.S.: there are rumors in the air about a secret mission Xemnas may have for someone over spring break. for now, they're just rumors, but Xigbar says i should keep them in mind... just in case...
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RIP Socks the Cat. 09/15
Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes

Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes

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you told me to make criticism ((sp?))but i no know how