By unpopular demand I have decided to write Imma Agent, the sequel to Imma Ninja! Enjoy! heart
Agent Story Part 1
*Secret Agent Man* Secret Agent Man... I'm Secret Agent Mmmmaaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!!! *starts singing very badly* Secret... *windows break* Agent... *glasses and cups shatter* Mmmmaaaaaaannnnn!!!!!!!!! *computers and tv's and cell phones explode* Lalala! heart You're probably wondering why I'm singing and I will tell you. Secret Agents are supposed to sing (or at least have their own theme songs) and since no one wanted to play a theme song for me scream (apparently I'm not important enough. Hmph. *pouts in corner* mad ) I have to sing my own theme song. When I start singing in the cities, the people walking by put their hands over their ears and run away! I guess they don't have a good taste in music! 3nodding
My ears!!!!!!!!! Oh the pain!!!!!!!!! Ear plugs, ear plugs! I need ear plugs!!!!!!!!!!!! gonk The horrible sound!!!!!! Where is it coming from?!?!
Agent Story Part 2
Right where was I??? Oh yeah, I'm Secret Aaaaggggeeeennnttttt Mmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh *sirens sound* wahmbulance *wahmbulance* wahmbulance *screams from far away* Don't worry people, Secret Agent man is here to save the day!!! mrgreen Here I come! Hurry up, It's time to save the day! 4laugh *runs to center of town* I see you! Don't worry I'm here to help!!! wahmbulance Wahmbulance!!!! I'll save the person from the burning building! Oh wait... I forgot I'm not a super hero!!! Oh well!!!!! Here I come!!! *rushes to top of building* Where are you??? "Over here! Please help me!" Don't worry I've got you!!! *picks up person and rushes out of burning building* You're safe now!!!
Wow. Even though Secret Agent Man's singing is bad, he sure is a great superhero!!! I know, shocking isn't it? eek Yeah that was the studio that caught on fire... Oh well...
Due to a fire at the studio the video scheduled to play today has been rescheduled to play next week. Sorry for the inconvienence!
Agent Story Part 3
1 Week Later...
*Beep, Beep, Bbbbbeeeeeeeeeepppp!!!!!!!!!* The office calling me!!!! *opens phone* Yes sir, what is today's mission? "I need you to go downtown and check up on Dr. Shemalema-ding-dong-bopa-lopa. He's planning something, BIG! You can tell by the giant machine covered in a bunch of sheets that are sown together that is sitting in his front yard. Your mission? Go over there and look at the machine. Figue out what his plan is and report back to me. Got it?" Yes sir! "Then go!" Whew!!!! sweatdrop Pushing the Secret Agent car all the way over to Dr. Shemalema-ding-dong-bopa-lopa's house sure was tiring. sad Oh well! wink Now to get to work! *sneaks over to strange giant covered machine* *peeks under sheet* WHAT!?! scream A TREE!!!!!! That's it!?! A TREE?!? OMG... What a waste of time!!!! *calls base* "Yes Agent?" It was just a tree! stressed You sent me to look at a tree!!!!!! scream ARGH!!!! @#!!%$&!*#@!! Whew... Okay... My rant is over... stare "Agent..." Yes??? "You're FIRED!!!!!!!!!" You don't have to be so mean about it... *sniff, sniff* I-I'll just go over to my little corner and cry now. *sob*
Wow... looks like Secret Agent Man's boss has some anger management issues to work out!!! He's scary!!! sweatdrop Now back to the story.
Agent Story Part 4
Whew... That was a close one. Mr. Boss Guy gets pretty mad sometimes. My first mission and I'm already fired! I guess I'm not a ninja anymore! Now I'm Super Hero Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Da da da daaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! *windows, glass, and electronic objects (includding cell phones and computers) shatter*
The moral of the story? "Secret agent superheros sing bad! I guess that's why there are no secret agent or superhero musicals!"
Wow Secret Agent Man is gonna be a superhero!
Hoped you liked this story! heart
Imma Superhero!?! Coming Soon!!!
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Summer's Random Journal
Whatever I wanna write, whenever I feel like it.
Series in my journal:
"Imma" Series (includes Imma Ninja, Imma Robot ect)
My Thoughts [new] (basically, what I think about stupid stuff)
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Love the story btw. smile