Umm... today I felt like randomly adding another journal entry for no reason other than to add another journal entry. I really have no idea what I am going to write here other to tell you I have no idea what to write here and the fact that I am writing this journal for no reason. rolleyes If you're bored already then stop reading this! scream I don't care... But if you're not bored then keep reading.
Ninja Story Part 1
RAWR!!! Imma Nnnnniiiiinnnnnjjjjjaaaaa!!!!! ninja Now you see me... now you don't... *POOF* I'm invisible!!!! blaugh *Still invisible* Ahhh!!! eek *trips and falls on face* Wow that was a close one, I almost landed in the fire! *trips again over invisible feet* Ahhhhh!!!!!!! burning_eyes Wahmbulance!!!!!!!!! wahmbulance ......... *gets taken to invisible hospital* Hey, I have a question... If its an invisible hospital, and the patients are invisible, and the doctors are invisible... then how do they know what they're doing??? ...OMG!!!!!!! eek *runs away screaming while tripping over invisible feet* I don't wanna be a ninja anymore!!! Wahhhhh!!!!!
Now if you're actually still reading this then you must want to know what happens to the ninja/person, So now I will tell you what happens!!! I will finish the story!
Ninja Story Part 2
*runs away from hospital* That was a close one! I almost became minced meat!!! (Or dead meat. Whichever you prefer.) Whew!!!!! I better undo the invisible technique, fast! *undoes invisible technique* *gets hit by truck*
The moral of the story??? "Never stand in the middle of a freeway. Especially not when you're undoing an invisible ninja technique."
Ninja Story Part 3
...I'm okaaaaaaaayyyyyyy....
3 weeks later
I'm done being a ninja. So long my ninja peeps! I'm gonna be a secret agent now!!! *secret agent man* Secret agent man... I'm secret agent man!!!!!!!!
If you loved this story then comment and/or pm me!!!! Tell me you want me to make a story about the used to be ninja, now secret agent man and I will!!! Just comment and/or pm!!!! mrgreen
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Summer's Random Journal
Whatever I wanna write, whenever I feel like it.
Series in my journal:
"Imma" Series (includes Imma Ninja, Imma Robot ect)
My Thoughts [new] (basically, what I think about stupid stuff)
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