Anyway, I've drawn some fantasy sketches of what I mean by "goth" if my clothes looked how I want them to look:

please note, this isn't all of what I'd like to look like, this is just some of the more specific looks I'd want to have from time to time. Mostly, the only change would be I'd wear more sweatshirts, dye some things black, and generally have less color concerning me. I also wanna wear more 'goth' accessories, and eye liner.
... but I'm really afraid of changing. Like if I change how I look so much, maybe people will notice me and I'll be less invisible.
So tell me. Should I make the change? I need help coming out about being mildly goth at heart. D:
alright, so some of the things I'd want to buy....

I think a collar would be nice to have, but I have no idea what shops would sell it (I even resorted to hot topic! D: ) and I didn't find anything like what I was imagining on google images. >x<;;
random side note:

these eye patch things exist?? surprised
I want one of those! <//3
I'd also wear more black jeans.
... so as you can see, goths, I wouldn't really be goth. And as you can see, people who know me, it'd be a big change. D: