1. What's your name: Sarah
nicknames - shade, padawadan.... some others. o/////o
2. How tall are you: 5'3" last I checked
3. What color are your eyes: dark blue- probably closer to black. And unexpressive.
4. What color is your hair: Brown. ^x^
5. Are you Male or Female: F E M A I L E. :O (my avatar is androgynous though)
6. What is your best feature (physically): Ummm.... People seem to like my cheeks (ON MY FACE YOU PERV! D< wink
7. What's your shoe size: I don't know. >/////<
8. Glasses, yes or no: YES
9. Did you ever have braces: nope. OxO;;
10. On a typical day you are wearing: a scarf, jeans. Sweatshirt or long black coat thing. Sneakers. Maybe something covering my wrists (I'm so emo. xD)
11. When you go to bed you're wearing: Pajama bottoms or these disgusting short shorts, and some top that I don't like wearing in public (either it's hideous or it's too big by a long shot)
12. work out/exercise about how often: in PE, four days a week.
1. Name five of your favorite bands:
AFI, My Chemical Romance, Muse, The Used, 30 seconds to mars (I NEED TO KNOW MORE MUSICCCCC)
2. Name five of your favorite singers:
OxO I have no idea, honestly. SUSIE! biggrin
3. Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop:
Falling Away With You, Affliction, Pain. >//////<
4. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now:
Hey There Delilah.
5. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago:
Devastation and Reform (but no one knows about that. ^x^)
6. When you're driving, what are the preset stations on your radio:
I don't drive. -_-
7. What's the last CD you bought:
Uhm? I don't buy CD's.
8. Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix:
CD surprised
9. Name one song/band/singer you're embarrassed to like but do:
Panic! at the Disco. o/////o
10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be:
I don't like concerts, sorry. (I'm just that hardcore. xD
11. Name one band/singer you absoulutely can't stand:
I dunno, but I sure do hate that song Sexyback.
12. Name a group you use to like but feel you've grown out of:
They Might Be Giants
1. Name your favorite actor:
I don't have one.
2. Name your favorite actress:
Nope, not one of these either.
3. Name your favorite television show right now:
Aliens in America
4. Name five really cool movies you've recently seen:
Sweeney Todd, Phantom of the Opera... that's about it, though.
5. Your favorite canceled television show:
Invader Zim
7. Name one movie you wish you hadn't wasted time/money on recently:
ummm? I can't think of one.
8. You would never watch a movie with:
Um... porn? o0
9. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with:
10. Three favorite tv channels:
Current, G4, independent film channel
11. Favorite reality show:
project runway? o0
12. Favorite character on a reality show:
(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word smile
1. coffee: brown
2. dog: bark
3. slut: banana slug
4. candy: candy corn
5. pole: candy cane
6. ocean: 11
7. brave: warrior
8. loving: family
9. cookie: wreath? xD
10. death: the grim reaper as a gaia avatar.
11. life: cereal. Yum.
12. child: hood.
1. Ten guilty men go free OR One man goes to jail for life
ten guilty men go free
2. Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects
lion, I guess.
3. A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache
a life with love and heartache for sure.
4. Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge
bungee jumping.
6. No television OR No music
7. No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate, ever
8. A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii
9. An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one
Future soul mate, I guess. But that's who I'm with now, so... >3
10. No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry
no longer able to cry. It's what I have now, at least.
11. Sex without love OR love without sex
ummm.... dunno. Never had sex, so I couldn't tell.
12. Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love
loving someone who doesn't love you.
1. Are you currently in a relationship:
definitely. <3
2. Are you currently looking/interested in someone:
well, I'm interested.... in that wonderful girl I'm with.
3. Are you a virgin:
4. If yes, how long do you plan to be one:
until I'm good and ready! D<
5. How many times have you been "in love":
once, just once, dear. <3
6. Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now:
I still love 'er and I always will. ^x^
7. Name three things (physically) you look for in someone:
I look for their personality first, and then the physical things start popping out at me.
8. Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone:
9. Biggest turn offs include:
people who can't spell intentionally. D:
10. Your ideal date would be:
with her. I don't care where. <3
11. You want to get married, where, when, how:
ehh... I don't particularly want to get married. Doesn't mean we can't be together forever.
12. Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don't return:
I don't think so... o0 if so, I don't know about it. >x<;; but I doubt it.
CIRCLE SEVEN: THE FRIENDS (of your friends, who would you say is smile
1. The one you immediately go to with a problem:
My wonderful, fantastic, amazing girlfriend, Doom. <3
2. The most rational:
Alice mostly.
3. The funniest:
We're all funny in our own little ways.
4. The one you spend the most time on the phone with:
Mischa maybe. Or Kate.
5. The craziest (but in a good way):
6. The most honest:
7. The purest:
8. The smartest:
Alice, I believe.
9. The most athletic:
10. The most compassionate:
I don't really know.
11. The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why:
Mischa, for blowing something/someone up. Most likely a monastery.
12. The last one that said "I love you":
Doom. <3
nowait. That random person on towns after I donated them the gold mountain pants and the 900 tickets. xD But Doom was the last person who said it and meant it.
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carve your name into my arm

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The skin fades away to make room for the heart; our veins intertwine so we can't be apart.
Collecting flowers.
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3 / 2 5 / 0 7
The skin fades away to make room for the heart; our veins intertwine so we can't be apart.
Collecting flowers.
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