Day 10
Still no Scythes or any Weapons i can obtain outside of Monthly Collectibles! I am thankful for the snowballs...
I have found a few allies and a potential Organization member: Tsuki018. She claims to be #14, Riku and i don't mind (Riku says he's more of and extra member and doesn't care what his number is, I'm #15, so i don't have to worry).
I think i have just about figured out this world. I just gotta find a few things and trick out my dark UFO.
Sorry for not posting over the weekend, Super Bowl Sunday was a big thing around the castle this year. Axel, Roxas, and Riku did their usual Patriot stripe (Roxas dyed his hair silver, Riku went blue this year). Lexaeus has been bragging about the Giant's win (Axel told me about it, I was on a mission for Xemnas on sunday and couldn't see the game). Axel, personally, is ticked about it (He won't go anywhere near Lexaeus until he stops bragging).
So, all's good. I hope to keep posting often. So, until next time....
biggrin biggrin!!!!! biggrin biggrin
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RIP Socks the Cat. 09/15
Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes

Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes