We made bucket lists in Spanish class a while ago, except I couldn't put down some of the stuff I REALLY want to do! So I'm going to make a bucket list right here, and add to it constantly!
1. Write a book and get it published
1a. Write a manga and get it published
2. Win something in an art/story contest
3. Live in an apartment (I've always lived in a house)
4. Cosplay at an anime convention
5. Squirt a whole can of hair mousse in the sink and watch it rise up in a big pile of foamy fluff! 0__0
6. Go to New York. Go to the top of the statue of liberty.
7. Form an independant country by the name of Ohcrapistan (Don't ask)
8. Buy the biggest bag of jelly bellies they have available
9. Ummmm..... ummmm.... oh yeah!
10. Go to Japan!
I'm thinking of more, and I shall add them when I do!
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Elli's Journal of Randomness
Meh beautiful journal. Enjoy ^_^
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