What Is Your Inner Color? * Update: New Pics! *
My Results:

You are a great person. You're nice and fun to be around. You are smart and clever. You have no trouble making friends. Although you tend to use your intelligence against people that do not match your wit, that is only sometimes.

Your soul is Loving. you want everyone to be happy and caring. you try to change people who are cruel and most of the time you sucseed.
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YOU ARE SPRING! you are very little kiddish. you have very good friends and some people just dont like you, but dont let them bother you cause you are way better then them. people of the opposite sex think you are very cute.
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your element is fire. on the outside your kind of a beetch but once people get to know you they think your awesome!
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You're Fire. You are the most powerful element, although you almost tie with Water. You're different than most, and although you tend to fit in and have a sufficient amount of friends, only few people really understand you. It's not too hard to live your life, but it seems difficult most of the time. Try to lean back and enjoy the ride. Make things interesting while they last.
Your mythical creature: A Cerberus
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You're love. You have your ups and downs, time of joy and times of sorrow, just as the game of love does. You are (for the most part) happy, but life likes to set you back on things. You love to give love to people who have earned it, and those people love you in return. Let the good times roll and never look back.
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Your Element is Fire
Burning with confident and bravary you love to talk and be "noticed"
The one you love is and will always be by your side... your love life is just perfect, but becareful not to be overconfident, you might just lose the one you love most!
Your life is almost perfect but sometimes you feel your missing something
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