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The day before the last day. ^_^
Song of the Day...Numb, by Evanescence (covered by them xD)
Status: biggrin
Song of the Day...Numb, by Evanescence (covered by them xD)
Status: biggrin
Today was okay. I feel asleep when I got home, so I'm doing my stuff for the presentation now at like 9. xD It would help if Amos was online, I feel the need to tell him what to do, cuz I don't think he'll do it right. xD
Anyway, in Art, I pretty much did nothing. Ms. Drezdner took my costume and drawing of it (i hope i get them back!) because she said she wants to ahng them up in fromt of the library.
In Music, we got the tests back...I'm riding on my health test now...and we were just talking about who does what for the presentation. We also saw Adam and Zoey's group presentations. They did really good jobs. I liked Adam's group's one, they had Numb! But it was sung by Amy Lee, different but kool. Linkin Park! Woo!
And then in Health, it was really boring, we were just going thru all the remaining presentations. xD Maaan, why msut they work us til the last day! T__T Haha, Michael was falling asleep in class. xD And Ms. Zannichi was like poking him awake. xD Poor poor Michael (Ms. Zannichi was sitting next to him the whole time), he probably misses Alan at times like these. I still don't see why Alan dropped the class, it didn't seem like he was failing. xD
Anyway, after a long boring period of health, I finally went home. The usual, took da bus with Sharmela and Oladoyin, got home, did stuff, lol. xD
And here I am. ^_^
