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I so failed both of my finals!
Song of the Day...On My Own, by Three Days Grace
Status: biggrin
Song of the Day...On My Own, by Three Days Grace
Status: biggrin
Today was okay. I was studying up until like 2 am last night for my health test, and I'm not so sure it helped out. xD I was studying all morning too for music. Even through art. I lost a coloring pencil in art class. *sniffle sniffle* T___T
The music test was WAAAAY harder than her made us think. I hope the whole class failed so he'll give like a 20 point curve. xD I screwed up in the matching section so bad. xD Hopefully with the extra credit and all, I won't have done too badly.
Then in health...OMG...taht test was just as hard! Well actually, for once it wasn't as hard as the music test, but it was stillr eally hard. I got the last question for part 2 wrong. Darn, I knew I should've studied taht aprt a little more. How could I forget what a syphillis was! T___T Wait...I still don't know what it is...darn, I forgot again! T___T And in the multiple choice, I was a little unsure...the essays were easy, and the true false section was okay I think...but I know I got some stuff mixed up here and there.
Lol, after the test when she gave us a break, me and Michelle were like dugging thru the textbook to find what we got wrong. xD I can't wait to see my grade...and I don't mean that in a good way, I jsut wanna get it over with. Speaking of getting it over with, I'm really glad the finals are finally over. ^_^ That sure lightens the load. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't get any free time on the alst day, because of all the presentations, plus my teachers are probably just like that...maybe in art, I might get some free time, but then again, what's there to do in art, but more art? ^_^
Anyway, I took the bus and train home, and here I am. ^_^ By the way, I wonder if a lot of people really are quitting gaia, I heard from Daniel taht a lot of people are quitting...but I'm sticking to it. ^_^ I've got too many good buds on it, and I've got my prized journals. xD
Also, I think I've kind of been ignoring certain people, so sorry about that, not taht you've noticed. xD
Also...it nevers ceases to get me, I LOVE BLOOD PLUS! Still...I wonder if I should watch it again all voer. I think I probably will. Should be fine the second time around, the only other japanese anime I think I watched twice around was OHSHC. ^_^ So Blood Plus must be really good lol. xD
Anyway, that's enough for one journal entry I think. So...off to other things...xD

The little green guy speaks on behalf of himself, so I am not cursing. xD
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