* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Suddenly, the words just popped into my head...
"You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll tak your hand"
I wonder what sushi tastes like...Michelle considers me a deprived child. xD
Song of the Day...Keep Holding On, by Avril Lavigne heart heart heart
Status: smile
"You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll tak your hand"
I wonder what sushi tastes like...Michelle considers me a deprived child. xD
Song of the Day...Keep Holding On, by Avril Lavigne heart heart heart
Status: smile
Today was okay, I think. xD In Art, I continued on the sewing thing. I think I did pretty well. Oh darn great. I just remembered, I have hw for Art today. xD Well, it won't be too bad I guess, since it's just Art. ^_^ I think I did pretty well for the project, my dress came out kind of nice I think...and my pants of course came out great. ^_^
In Music, I had to...oh great again! Now I just remembered that I have a music test tomorrow! T___T Ugh...well, since for the past week, I've been playing games like hangman and tic tac toe, and drawing and doodling, I haven't been taking my notes, but I think I pretty much have it all down from today. So I should be good.
About that 66% I got in Health...hehe, well now that could be a problem. sweatdrop
Health was okay today. We talked a lot about what qualities you would admire in a person and stuff. xD Of course, I picked my grandfather. Tonite's hw for Health is weird. There's this situation where my hypothetical friend Michael (ironic michael is my friend xD), wants to copy my hw after returning from a long trip, and I'm supposed to give an honest answer and why. Haha, so if the class is honest, I think everyone will have the same answer as me. ^_^
Anyway, right now I'm here trying to solve this Rubik's Cube again... sweatdrop
"I don't even know you..."
--Roses, by Meg and Dia (LUV THAT SONG!) heart heart heart heart heart
