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...perhaps there is someone out there who would feel your existence.
--Shioko Mizuki (Crossroad)
Sonf the Day...Sober, by Kelly Clarkson heart heart AND All Around Me, by Flyleaf heart heart heart
Status: stare ...tired...
--Shioko Mizuki (Crossroad)
Sonf the Day...Sober, by Kelly Clarkson heart heart AND All Around Me, by Flyleaf heart heart heart
Status: stare ...tired...
Well, today wasn't terrible...well, at least CROSSROAD HAD THE BEST ENDING EVER!!! Thank for the time skip! Well, to put it simply, everyone lived happily ever after. xD After the 6 year time skip, Kajitsu and Natsu were married. heart heart heart Taro and Erica were married too. blaugh Satsuki was in junior high school, and she's a model. xD And Subaru visits every now and then too. And Tokuhito and Mano are Satsuki's managers. xD I just loved the ending though. Oh, and Akai went to study in China just like he always wanted, and he comes back every now and then, and he's still in touch with Kajitsu. ^_^ Oh, and Subaru got Natsu and Kajitsu a dog. Also, the best part was that 2 years ago when Kajitsu was 20, her book got published, and she finally became an author just like she wanted!!! ^_^ heart heart heart For some reason, while I was reading, I couldn't stop thinking of Sober, by Kelly Clarkson. xD And right now, I can't stop thinking of All Around Me, by Flyleaf (YEAH! LUV THEM! heart heart heart ), so there are 2 songs of the day. ^_^
As for school today...well...art was okay. Sewing. Music was booooring. T___T And health was okay. Where did Alan get those Pocky Sticks... ninja xD I took like 4. Oh yeah, also, I failed the health test. Well not fail fail, but I got a 66% on it. Not that everyone else did so much better. Anish got a 62%, and Michelle wouldn't tell us her grade. Like, me, Yiben, Anish, and Miles, were nagging her for it, but she wouldn't tell. She was kind of unhappy about her grade, cuz she studied a lot and she didn't do so well I'm guessing. But she did do better than me. xD Nancy got a 70 something percent...I forgot what exactly. xD Michael got an 84%! What a nerd. xD Though, we established the fact that we're not nerds, but rather stupid nerds after class. xD
I hope I don't present tomorrow! I hope I don't fail health. I mean, I know I won't fail because you already get a 65% just for showing up, but a lot of the rest of your grade depends on participation and orals, so yeah, I'll be thinking the same thing I was thinking right before I got my test back..."I'm screwed, I'm screwed, I'm screwed, I'm screwed..." xD
Hmm, now I'm thinking of Sober again. xD Oh yeah, I would've started my hip-hop report earlier, but Rasheeda called and I was talking for like an hour and a half so it was like 11:20ish when I finally got off, and Emran was still on anyway doing whatever.
Oh, I'm gonna make today's thought my signature, I think. Somehow I think this entry would have come out much better if I had wirtten it earlier today right after I finished Crossroad. Yeah, that would've been perfect. But as usual, Emran goes and kicks me off the computer, this time, before I even got to go online. -___-
Wow...now it's like 12:21...I guess I'm not getting much sleep tonight. Also I was kind of amd at Amma tonight too because she just talks and doesn't like listen to herself talking. -___- Like that stuff about how she was like you're supposed to be able to tell your mother anything, yeah I laugh that. 'Tis crap I tell yeeh! xD
Ahh, no one else is on AIM now. xD Celine and Ike are gooone, I'm all alone now! xD
And yet for some reason I'm still writing. I wonder if I would have been done with my report, or at least a page of it, if I had been working on it all this time instad of going half way down. Well, whatever, it's due Monday anyway, I only wnted to get started today because I promised Sharmela I would definitely start today. xD
Okay, taht should be all for now...I don't feel like writing anymore. Okay fine I do, but it's like so late. -___- Plus I'm still mad at Amma. And Emran. For kicking me off in the first place... -___-
I didn't get to watch any Blood Plus either...the fourth theme song even though I'm not nearly upto it is pretty good. I'll have to look into mroe on that band, Jinn...hehe.
Great Amma's nagging again...god...whatever beddy timey.
"Three months and I'm still sober..."
Good song, no?

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