Also, if I suddenly change clothes in the middle of an RP, it does not mean I stopped playing that specified character -.-;. I'll probably change back in a few minutes anyway.
RP Character 1: Kyo (Grief-Normal-ish clothing)

Character Pic:

Other s**t: Uh...There's not really alot I can explain about him...Usually I just "go with the flow" at RPing 'im, so I'll give you the basics...
Weight:Somewhere around 90-99lbs
Build:Regularly muscled;fit-Nothing major like some nasty body builder.
RP Character 2:Kyo (Obscure-Non-normal clothing.)

Character Pic:

Other s**t: Basically the same as the first RP character, except younger (mid-late 20s), and dressed differently. The character's entrance usually has to do with something about a photoshoot, and his regular clothes getting taken in some cruel practical joke, or some insane fangirl. Therefor having to leave where ever he was coming from in said, non-normal clothing...
RP Character 3: Nishi

Character Pic:

Other s**t: A kitsune who likes to break people's hearts. He can be nice at times, but damn mean at others. He enjoys playing pranks on people, as well as some...certain...activities. He can be quite a sadist, which means he enjoys other people's pain. He lost an eye trying doing this. As well as enjoying his own pain. Infact, he self inflicts pain onto himself for pleasure.
Occupation: Nothing
Prefrences: Bisexual
Age: Early 20s
Weapons: Scythe, claws.
Nature: Cruel and mean. On occasions, friendly.
Weight: 90-95lbs
Build: Muscled, but thin.
RP Character 4: Kyoutaoru

Character Pic: Comic Soon
Other s**t: Kyoutaoru is a kitsune prince from some unknown part of the universe. Despite the fact that he's a kitsune, he is quite good natured and friendly. He's not really into hurting people, but he will go as far as to kill and completley dismember anyone who harms those he has befriended, is fond of, or currently with and or taking care of. Unfortunatley, he has a slight case of schizophrenia...Pissing him off triggers it. And to the do-er, he will attempt to kill the pisser-offer in the most painful ways. Such as dismemberment, gutting, head crushing, and even result to canabalism; eating the victim alive in small peices. This kitsune happens to get his power from some unknown source. For he isn't very muscled at all. That is why it is questionable on how he can rip open a person's stomach with his bare hands, and claws.
Occupation: Prince
Prefrences: Bisexual
Age: Early 20s
Weapons: Claws
Nature: Regular mood-Friendly. Schizophrenic mood- Sadistic, evil, canabalistic, homicidal.
Weight: 90-95 lbs.
Build: Very thin looking, and not very much muscled.
RP Charater 5: Miyamoto <((I honestly don't remember where I got that name))

Other s**t: Wanting to be a female more than he did a male, Miyamoto was cast out by his own family when elaborating on this to them. With no where to go, he tried to make his home in a semi-normal forest. However, a secret race dwelled with in the forest-creatures that protected the forest. Out of pitty they took him in. As he grew he gained great knowledge of the forest and attempted to help protect it as well, without the powers of the mythical beings. However, the death of a great forest gaurdian gained him the right of officially being one of these creatures.
The other gaurdians gave him the ability to undergo a spacific metamorphosis, and he became one of the gaurdians. Granting him wings and changing some other physical aspects. He will often be seen carrying a scythe or a fan, both of which are his weapons against those wanting to harm his home. Also both of which are enchanted with magic.
Although he is the guardian of the forest, he is sometimes permitted to live. However, when he does so, he usually sticks to the shadows or wonders to places that will not be so 'interested' in his strange features.
Occupation: Forest Gaurdian
Prefrence: Males
Age: 23
Race: Forest Gaurdian
Weapons: Scythe, Claws
Nature: Unpredictable, quiet, keeps to himself
Build: Thin with lack of muscles.
RP Charater 6: Teruki

Other s**t:
Not alot is known about Teruki's past...because, well...Teruki can't even remember it. He can't remember why his eyes were taken from him, or why the gaping holes always bleed, why he has wings that cannot be used, or why his soul was seperated from him.
Yes, in a tragic accident, in which he cannot remember, his soul was seperated from his body. However, it was placed in a glass bottle, which he carries on his back. It allows him to live like a normal being...with a few acceptions. He has the ability to see, even without eyes...He can't explain this, either...He can look in the mirror and see from where eyes should be, but see no eyes in his reflection...
Occupation: Unknown
Prefrence: Males, with the occasional female
Age: Unkown
Race: Unkown
Weapons: Depends on what's around.
Nature: Unpredictable
Build: Thin but semi muscular.
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