When the ferry finally arrived we, of course, got on it. I took this shitty pic.

Half way over a bunch of giant carp began jumping on the boat. I will add a pic of one later. This was the result of one of them though.

So we finally got there, and our place looked like this.
Kitchen(and drunk mom and bf)

Living room:


Upstairs bedroom:

Pool area from balcony:


I went down to the nearby lake and found a dead fish. Obviously I had to take a picture of it.

After finding the dead fish I found this thing. And later on found a s**t load more of them. I still dunno wtf they are

When night fell I caught a toad.

Sorry for blurry pics.
Then I took a bunch of pics around there...Sunsets etc.

My mom is for some reason obsessed with this pic.

Down at the resort area where we checked in they had some interesting stuff so I took pictures...
This was a pond:

It had fish in it

This was around the dock:

We went out onto the lake to fish and I took these pics.

And this is the MONSTER FISH I CAUGHT. I actually caught the biggest fish for the whole vacation. It doesn't look so big in these pics but it was 4 pounds and 22 inches. UUNFORTUNATELY I only got one clear pic of it..well, two.

The other cat fish behind it is my mom's.

I almost caught another fish the same size but it got away like right at the boat D<
We went out the next day and didn't catch s**t but I came back and found this turtle.
This is the turtle:

this is her eggs

When she was done she went off towards th elake, and she was very slow so I picked her up and brought her down there. She was pretty damn heavy...
She deffinately wanted to go to the lake. She was calm the whole time I was holding her and then she got all excited when we got near the water. When I put her down she darted off into the water.
Around the last day we went off to some nature reserve area that had the native animals and non releaseable raptors. Predatory birds, not dinosaurs.
water snakes:

an owl

another owl

bald eagles

another bald eagle

some sort of hawk

We headed to Arkansas to see some springs and on the way I found this gas station with old fashion pumps

And then we took some pics on the way. Well, I did...and they suck but oh well. Mom made me take pics. I was in the back seat...

Then we finally arrived at Mammoth Springs. My mom was all crazy about it saying it was so awesome and it wasn't really that awesome but here are a bunch of semi-repeditive pics.

I don't know what this is but it is cool

This looked like a p***s

I also got some magnets...that went through my hand.

We went to an aquarium and I took shitty pics there, because you cannot see without a flash period

an aligator

Then we went elsewhere to a place somewhere in Missouri. If you fell there you'd be ********.

We travled to the end of a trail and found a small waterfall.

and a butterfly

At the end of an opposite trail we found this

A very, very fall far (like the rest of the place)

Coming back we found a lizard

Coming back to the car we found a 'friendly' racoon who kept taking food from people

AND THIS ENDED MY JOURNEY. We came back, and I had to pee about 3049230 times.
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