Haha, today wqas a good day! Hehe, it was hilarious!!! rofl Okay this morning, Math was pretty boring at first because we did...WORK. Of course, it was funny when this squirrel was climbing the fence outside of the window, and then when Omar and Reginald were looking at it, it just jumped onto the window. Haha, seeing as it couldn't claw onto anything like that, it fell. Thatw as just so funny!!! lol
Then in social studies, we were working on our exit project thingy, which was of course hilarious, as usual. First we did the work. (Just 'cause you wrote it, doesn't make u the author Jasdeep!!! i read it, and i paraphrased it!!! xd ) Okay, so for that we basically just did a background thingy. And then, we found the information for our skit in the pages Jasdeep brought in! So, we did the skit, the way it's supposed to be done. ^_^ So, Shirley was the little white hippie, Kim was "shoeshiner" d**k Rowland, I was the cop, and Jasdeep was the narrator/cop. ^_^ It was so funny!!! Kim went to the segregated restroom, and then she tripped on the elevator onto Shirley, who started hitting her with the purse (book)! And then, Kim grabbed her to stop her, and ran out of the building when she screamed! Haha, and Shirley told the cops that Kim "grabbed" her! Lol, bad little hippie! xd And since David and Daniel seemed to have nothing to do, they were like bugging us, and following Kim around and stuff for her scissors. She had to keep it under her liotard (sp.?). rofl Haha, Izzy wanted the scissors to cut himself, lol. Why? According to him, "because it's fun". And then, loater in the second period of social studies, we were doing the skit outside in the halls and stuff. It was just really funny! rofl lol
In arts, we finished the hands, which came out great for just about everyone. It was so funny, when I pointed one out of the pile, and I was like "That's really nice," and it turned out to be the hut-nun's! Though, it really was nice. ^_^
At lunch, we were playing with Reggie's little balls. We were just rolling it across the table between us (me, Kim, Briana, Shirley, Jasdeep). Haha, then it was so retarded when some people from whatever class sits in front of our table threw his little ball in the trash, and he didn't get it back. neutral That was just mean. Anyway, when we went outside, we were playing the line game, and then we did red light green light. Haha, it was fun. Haha Briana! She really wanted to be the front person for red light green light, but she didn't get to. Tomorrow's another day, Briana!
Then, for Literacy, we went to the Library. Kim and Jasdeep didn't finish their book yet, so me and Shirley got new books, but not for Book Talk Clubs. The book I got was really, really good though! Haha, Shirley, I'm a faster reader than you! I got to page 46, hahaha!. xd
Hehe, then we had Regents classes which was hilarious!!! We sat in the front row again. Haha, why go to the trouble of going in the inside aisles, and sqeezing in. rolleyes And yes, once again...I ACTUALLY LEARNED. eek Earth Sience isn't actually so boring as I may have thought before. It's pretty interesting actually! Anyway, Shirley and me were hurting each other...and Mr. Bednar actually saw. Haha. When I was [seriously HURTING HER, nobody saw...AND NOBOY CAME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But then again, no one saw when she was popping her collar, and saying that her big feet bring sexy back. God, why doesn't anyone...ANYONE...look when she does it! And then, Jasdeep told Mr. Bednar about the secret I was gonna tell him at the end of the year about how I ALWAYS do homework in class, lol. And then when I was telling Shirley, and I turned around, he was right behind me! I mean seriously, LIKE DEAD IN MY FACE. eek And then, he was like coming around everytime like checking how everyone was doing. I may have been slower than everyone else, but at least I got the answers right! scream And I learned it too. 3nodding
Okay then, after that, outside, with Shirley and Jasdeep, we were walking to the bus stop, and it was so funny. On the path, I like tapped the police's car, and then when we walked down, I screamed, "I TOUCHED YOUR CAR! scream xd !" And then, it was so funny, Jasdeep got like 4 tapes of me on her cellphone, which she's gonna show to the teachers, mainly Mr. Bednar. rofl In the first one, I like screamed "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!" to Shirley, and there were two more of that one. On one them, itwas funny, cuz Shirley was like trying to walk away, but then she came back, and I did it. And then for the other one, I just did "Whee!", which everyone has already heard already in our class, basically, lol. JASDEEP, YOU MUST CATCH SHIRLEY IN THE ACT WHEN SHE'S POPPING HER COLLAR AND TALKING ABOUT HER SEXY FEET!
Okay, besides all that! I'm home now! ^_^ So, since Emran's coming home already, I don't have time for anime, so I'm just listening to music. ^_^ Wow, I've been listening to a lot of Three Days Grace today.
"I will not die
I wait here for you
I feel alive
When your beside me
I will not die
I wait here for you
In my time of dying"
I wait here for you
I feel alive
When your beside me
I will not die
I wait here for you
In my time of dying"
Haha, My Time of Dying, by Three Days Grace, awesome song. ^_^ Okay, that's all I guess. biggrin
Hey, I just noticed! I just topeed my longest journal entry ever again! Woo! Okay, now I'm done. ^_^

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