Okay, today was pretty good. Average, but good. ^_^ I hadn't done like 12 entries for Hamlet for the morning, hehe. I did a little on the bus, but not much. sweatdrop In Math, we didn't do much today. Ms. Croft wqas just handing out the awards that people didn't get and stuff. And I did all that homework for nothing. And then, I found out that I was actually doing homework AHEAD of time, cuz I thought that this week's homewrok was from last week, but I actually end up doing upto Friday for this week!
In Science, we just did work, so it was pretty boring. Well, not BORING boring, just kind of plain boring. We just went over the lab about rocks and stuff, and did some more work with observing rocks and using scratchplates.
Art was fun. We got to finish those foil hands with all the designs and stuff. I can't wait to see what it looks like when the paint dries! ^_^
Then in Social Studies...I forget...what did we do...oh yeah, we stole the hut-nun's pencilcase. Haha. But we gave it back a little easier than usual. Then...I think we did...oh yeah! We were doing the exit project thing, and working on it. Exzcept we weren't really doing it anyway much. Then halfway through, Mr. Burton came and talked about what happened in the Mock Trials and stuff. Hehe, everyone from our class did good. Haha, the other team, from what I've heard, really sucked. ^_^ Haha, and they actually saw a real criminal guy in shackles. eek Haha, everyone was staring.
Oh at lunch, my pizza was really hot, and I accidentally dropped it, and someof the sauce kind of stained Kim's shoes...her WHITE shoes. I'm really sorry Kim!!! redface I'll bring in some Clorox for you to drink tomorrow (haha, psych)! Then, we went outside, and we were playing "The Line Game" and "Help Tag", which I just found out is actually called "Speed"! Lol. rofl Then, in the last five minutes, I had to do my Hamlet entries! rofl xd Which I actually failed to complete there. I was gonna do it in class with whatever time I had, and olucky me, Ms. Mathis gave us 15 minutes to work on our exit projects, which gave me just enough time to finish my entries! And let Rahima copy too, lol. Haha, I feel special. A lot of people ended up not doing it when she called everyone who didn't do it! Haha, I did my homework! I did my homework! Lalalalala! lol mrgreen
So, then she checked the Hamlet entries, and we just had like some free time sort of. We were just like standing around and talking, lol. Haha, I can't believe Izzy doesn't eat soap, what's wrong with him? xd Haha, Kim has a soap bar in her room that she eats, lol. And of course, Shirley KICKED ME...A LOT! Haha, good thing my pants are black, though it shows anyway, lol. Then, we just read Hamlet. Good thing too, or I would've been lost. The storyline for Hamlet is actually okay, though the "old english" is a little too much for me. rofl We didn'[t have time for Book Talk Clubs, hehe. Good thing, I didn't do it. ^_^ Not that I really plan to do it today, either. xd
So then, we had the regents classes, which are pretty fun, lol. We just did some work out of the regents book, and nice enough to say, it's fun...AND I LEARNED. Strange, isn't it? Lol, Kim got so many of them wrong, and then for number 7, she was supposed to say the answer, and she said blank, but then I said 1, and it was so funny how she just changed it, lol. Haha.
Okay, yeah so then, we basically just went home, lol. Whee! Okay, now, maybe I'll squeeze in some anime. Haha, go Linkin Park! *listens to them* I finally got back into anime yesterday! I got right back on Tsubasa Chronicle. I just started season 2 too. ^_^ Yay! Okay, that's it for now, I guess...

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