Chapter One
Every body has secrets they hold dear to themselves that no one knows. Some are silly things to keep, some not so silly, and some dangerous. My names is Anna, Anna Celeron, a secret agent/assassin. So you can guess that my secret is a dangerous. I do live a normal life, in a matter of speaking. I do live in London, England a fantastic place I might add. My job, besides the secret agent, is working as a new paper reporter for the London Gazette. My life had been fine until that Monday morning.
“Come on Kipper time to get up.” I say patting my German Sheppard on the head and looking at the clock, 5:00. I put on my black tank top and loose leather black pants. I brush my teeth and then I put on my mascara, rose red lipstick, and brush out my long black wavy hair. I smile and nod to Kipper and he barks happily and gets up and goes down stairs and so do I. I fix Kipper his normal breakfast of chicken kibble with grease on-top of if.
“Kipper I don’t know how you can eat that.” I say looking down at him.
Kipper just barks and wags his tail then eats his food. I fix myself some coffee and toast with jelly. We both finish at the same time and we go into the basement where all my training equipment is. I have a climbing wall, boxing, tread mill, acrobatics set, kick boxing, karate, pull up bar, gun targets, bow targets, throwing knife targets, and cases for all my equipment like, grappling hooks, knives, guns, and even swords.
“Okay Kipper what should you do first?” I say looking around.
Kipper barks and runs over to the attack dummy.
“Okay have at it.” I say with a smile and go over to the tread mill and start running at full blast. I run about five miles in twenty minutes. I look over at Kipper and my dummy is in pieces and I laugh when I look at him just wagging his tail with packing hanging from his mouth.
“Beep, beep, beep, beep!” my pager starts going off. I look at it and it says “China…… Plane…… 15min!”
“Kipper time to go!” I shout and run upstairs and shower off and put on my hip hugger, black leather, pants, then my white tank top and black leather jacket that zips up to my stomach. I powder my face and reapply my makeup and put in my large, gold, hoop earrings, then my white, zip up, high heals with black trim.
“Okay Kipper how do I look?” I say to him.
He barks once and wags his tail happily and goes to the door as a black limo pulls up.
“Alright I’m coming.” I say going out the door.
I leave with a smile on my face, but my smile leaves when I get in and Kipper jumps in and lays down on the floor..
“Sterling.” I say to my main officer.
“Agent Celeron.” my main officer says nodding. “I would like you to meet…”
“Commander Orrington.” I say with a smile.
“I see you too have met.” Sterling says a little confused on how.
“Painfully in Guatemala.” Commander Orrington says with a small laugh.
“Sorry about that, is your shoulder okay?” I say with a sympathetic smile.
“I’m better now that my shoulder is all the way back in place.” he says.
“I really am sorry about that, truly, if Sterling had told me sooner about the people near where I was working…”I say patting Kipper on the head.
“All is forgiven Agent Celeron.” the Commander says with a smile. “And who is your companion?”
“Kipper.” I say with a smile. “Gentlest dog in the world, and could kill some one with in two seconds.” I say patting Kipper on the head as he sits up. “Also my partner for home missions.”
“Well Agent Celeron I assume why you want to know why and where you are going in China and why Commander Orrington is here?” Sterling says.
“That would be fantastic Sterling.” I say sarcastically.
“We have received word that they are planning to make some sort of destruction weapon that they will sell to anyone for a good price.” Sterling says.
“So you want me to go to China undercover, find out if it’s true, destroy the weapon if there is one, capture the people if possible, and come home alive.” I say finishing him off. “So what will my cover be?”
“Come home alive would be very nice and you will be going under cover as a geisha and that is where Commander comes in.” Sterling says.
“I have to go to China for military reasons so when Sterling called me up I agreed to help.” The Commander says.
“We’ll get you suited up at HQ(head quarters) then we’ll fly you over and you will picked up by the ruler of the House of Ming and the Commander will pick you up later.” Sterling says.
“What about Kipper?” I says putting one leg over the other looking inventively at Sterling.
“He has his own mission with the police tracking a murder down.” Sterling says.
“Okay, but I get a to choose my weapons this time and Kipper gets to work with my choice of officer.” I say in a negotiating voice.
“I hate when she does this but, sure deal.” Sterling says sighing.
The Commander just laughs shaking his head as they come to a stop at HQ a small building that looks like a small cabin.
“Umm…” the Commander says as they get out.
I just shake my head and go past him and Kipper goes under him following me.
“Let’s go we don’t have all day!” I shout a little impatient
The Commander hurries into the cabin still confused and I just shake my head and look down at Kipper and go in.
“I thought this would be a little bigger.” the Commander says.
I role my eyes and push him into a closet with me, Kipper, and Sterling. I get chest to chest with the Commander and Kipper in-between Sterling and I.
“Okay this is a little awkward.” the Commander says looking into my eyes.
“Sterling hit the confounded button!” I turn my head and shout and turn back to the Commander. “Don’t do anything funny or I will kill you this time.” I say with a convincing smile.
He gulps and adverts his eyes from mine and we start to go down the shoot. The door reopens and a large metal room is in-front of us that has computers and people every where.
“Wow!” the Commander says astounded.
“Main Officer Sterling! Agent 0 welcome back.” a man says coming up to us. “And welcome Commander John Roswell Orrington.”
“John Roswell?” I says looking at him like that’s not his name.
“I would change it if I could, and Agent 0?” John says.
“We’ve all tried to kill each other once in a while for ranks so we came up with number to hid identities.” I say whispering. “The lower your number the higher class agent you are.”
The commander has a little scared face on but then changes it to astounded “So you the finest agent?” he says impressed but questioning.
“Yes and no, there is one other Agent who is lower than I am.” I say.
“Oh.” He says. “Who is it?”
“Agent X. He or She is the best Agent so good that no one knows who he or she really is, not even Sterling the only one who knows is the caption of the whole operation here.” I say and walk out to great the other agents.
“Agent 0 so what happened in Guatemala.” one agent says.
“Nothing really I nearly snapped of the Commanders arm, killed, and destroyed like I was told to Agent 81.”
“Did the Commander put up a fight?” Agent 81 says.
“Actually he did, he broke three of my ribs, and cut my back and leg with a shard of glass.” I say thinking back and impressed.
“Three ribs!” the others say impressed. “No one is even able to break one of your ribs let alone set a hand on you.”
“So what!” I say laughing.
“Agent 0.” a strong voice says from behind me.
“Agent 1.” I say turning around. “Long time no see.”
“Well I’ve been in Peru for about five months now.” he says.
“I know that, and it’s sad in a way I’m never gone more that 32 hours on a mission.” I say.
“I haven’t been in Peru on a mission I was assigned. It was a mission I made.” he says a little upset. “I would like a word Agent 0.”
I nod a little concerned but I follow him into the meeting room.
“You there Agent!.” John says going over to Agent 81.
“Yes Commander!” Agent 81 says saluting him.
The Commander salutes him back. “Who is Agent 1?” John says in a low whisper.
“He’s the third best Agent there is.” Agent 81 says and motions John to get closer. “He’s also a suspected lover of Agent 0, it’s either him or Agent X.”

- Title: Secrets-chapter1-part1
- Artist: Kiatala
- Description: Even your secerets you hold could either lead you too your doom or prosparity
- Date: 08/20/2009
- Tags: secrets
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