(This is only the first 10 pages in the story i am writing out of the 29 so there is more to come twisted )
Chapter 1
The only time in my life that I have actually felt happy, is when Mr. Tomas, said that someone was here to adopt me. The only time I felt love, is when he held me in his arms for the first time, he truly was the perfect parent, but something was still strange about him....he never let me in a certain room. He lived in a big house, out on a vineyard, and there was a room in the kitchen that was normally locked so I couldn’t go in it even in I tried, but is still remember that day when I first met him.
I was a sixteen year old girl who has been in many foster family’s and failed to get adopted and it’s really hard to get adopted by someone at the age I am. Also not many people would like to adopt a punk girl who has long gold hair with brown highlights, sea green eyes outlined with black mascara and eyeliner and green eye-shadow. Wears a blue tank top that cuts off above my belly button, low cut jeans that hug my butt and flare out at the end, black biker boots, a tattoo right of a rose in the middle of my back no stem with barbwire around it.
So like I told you it’s really hard to get adopted. By this time Mr. Tomas, my foster director and whole orphanage director, had given me my own room so I was alone with no roommate and I like it like that, he also is like a father to me because I came to the orphanage when I was eight, so he raised me basically. Okay so one day I get a knock on the door of my room and I don’t here it because of my I-pod is so loud and I’m laying on my bed drawing…
“Clair!” Mr. Tomas shouts and bang on my door.
I look up from my drawing of my room and I go to the door my music still blaring in my ears and open the door. Mr. Tomas roles puts down my head phones.
“Clair I have good news.” he says coming into my room.
“Andrew is getting adopted?” I say laughing.
“You wish Clair.” Mr. Tomas says. “But no, I got a call yesterday from a guy by the name of R.J Anthony and he said that he when to the website and e-mailed me saying he would like to meet you!” he says excitedly.
I stand there just amazed and fall onto my bed. “He wants to meet me?!”
“Yes Clair he wants to meet you!” Mr. Tomas says and kneels in front of me. “This is your chance to get out of here and finally have a family your always drawing and talking about.”
“Mr. Tomas remember last time…” I say looking down remembering the last time I was with a foster parent. Mr. and Mrs. Felcher, two punk rockers who gave me nothing and made me work day and night for some bread.
“Clair I’ve already met Mr. Anthony and he’s been looking for someone to take in ever since his wife took his kids and disappeared.”
“Oh wow…” I look at Mr. Tomas. “That’s harsh… I guess I could meet with him.” I say rolling my eyes slightly.
“Good.” Mr. Tomas says and kisses the top of my forehead and stands up to leave. “Who knows Clair this may be your chance to finally leave and have a family.”
I nod and fiddle with my locket at the thought of a family at last. “Mr. Tomas?” I say and stand up. He turns around and stumbles back a little and I run up and hug him. “Thank you.” I whisper.
“No problem Clair.” he says and leaves the room and shouts down the hall. “Meeting in room 8 to meet him tomorrow at noon!”
“Okay!” I shout back and close my door and listen to my music and finish drawing my room when the bell sounds for lunch. I grab my keys to my room and lock the door on the way out, so our rooms don’t get ransacked and things stolen, and head down to lunch.
I’m not the oldest in the orphanage there are a few of us who are sixteen and fifteen years of age. Well I go down and look at the menu for today.
“Hmm…” I say to myself. “Roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy with corn also.”
I go up to the lunch lady with my normal smile as well.
“Hello Clair I heard the big news.” The lunch lady says with a smile.
“Thanks Lucinda.” I say with a smile. “Is there any chance I can get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich wish your famous onion soup?”
Lucinda smiles and goes into the back and hands me my sandwich and a steaming hot bowl of onion soup. “Here ya go sweetie.”
“Thanks Lucinda.” I say with a smile and go back up to my room.
“Clair!” a stern voice says from behind me. “Exactly where do you think you are going?”
“Ms. Frankheart.” I say smiling a fake smile.
Ms. Frankheart was and old women who had been working at this orphanage since the dinosaur ages. All the kids here call here the Lizard. She is normally in a ugly yellow dress and her spectacles down on her nose, we also like to say she has more lines that a tree.
“And where do you think you are going?” Ms. Frankheart says.
“Up to my room ma’ma.” I say with a sigh and I role my eyes. We go through this whole thing every single day! “And I need to get ready for…”
Ms. Frankheart comes up and hugs me. “All the staff found out about thirty minutes ago so I wanted to see if I could convince you to eat lunch down here today.”
“I’m sorry Ms. Frankheart but I have to eat in my room today because I have to go over the questions I might be asked and what I should say.” I say and go up to my room with a smile on my face. I get in my room and I see that I left the window open and the wind was blowing harder than normal today and blew all my drawings every where. I set my lunch down and started picking up some drawings rolling my eyes and closing the window. I turn o my music and continue picking up and when I finish the loud speaker comes on with announcement for the day.
“Hello everyone today we are going to the pool, park, or for you older kids the movies or you can wonder around town within a two mile radius of the home. Also wish Clair good luck she’s got an interview tomorrow along with Mike, Danna, Sam, and Alexis. We would like to know who put spray paint on the back of the building right away because if we find you before you turn yourself in your punishment will be far worse. Please wish a happy birthday to Leah today she turns 10 years old and we all do wish you a very happy birthday. So now have a great day every one.”
I quickly put my sketching things in my side backpack and grab the change I had saved up and when down to the front of the building to get my pass to leave the home. I wait in line for my pass and it’s about 1:00 and I have to be back here at 4:00 for call in.
“Here ya go Clair.” the check in and out person says.
“Thanks.” I say with a nod and head out of the home and wonder down to the old park.
“Clair are you going to blow this interview up just like you do every time.” a mocking voice says from behind me.
“Andrew.” I say under my breath and turn around. “What do you want.”
“Oh nothing really.” Andrew says with a smirk. “Just your room, freedom rights, and your desert for the next four weeks.”
I laugh and role my eyes and spot Mr. Tomas coming down the side walk.
“Hey Andrew when are you going to turn yourself in for the spray paintings?” I say with a smile.
“Like I ever will. They will never guess it was me!” He laughs. “How did you figure it out?”
“Oh simple really all I did was look in the bottom corner of the picture and I spotted your little calling card.”
“Well no one will ever find out.” Andrew says with a confidante smile
“Oh really Mr. Andrew.” Mr. Tomas says tapping Andrew’s shoulder. “Lets go to my office and we’ll talk for a while.”
Andrew grumbles and flicks me off behind his back and walks back with Mr. Tomas. I smile and walk down to a small café and sit down taking all my things out and a waiter comes out.
“Can I get you anything miss?” he says.
“No thanks.” I say nodding and I continue drawing the park across the street. “But then again I could do with a glass of water no ice.”
The waiter nods and leaves and returns in a few moments with my water. “Well that be it?”
“Oh yes.” I nod to the waiter and continue drawing the park. I finally pull out some water color paint and use the water the waiter brought me to start painted the park. I looked at my clock… 3:50 already and it would take me ten minutes just to walk back to the home. I packed up and started walking and a man with a long dress coat on, white long sleeved button up shirt and jeans comes up to me.
“Um excuse me I have a meeting at the Orphanage home tomorrow so I was wondering if you could show me where?” He says.
“Sure I can show you I’m a kid from there.” I say not very excited about having this stranger follow me there.
“Thank you.” the man says with a nod and follows me there and on occasions having to jog to keep up. I go back inside and turn in my pass and check in before that guy even has time to thank me and I’m already in my room listening to my tunes. The rest of the day was normal finish drawing eat dinner and turn in for the night. The next day was different that day I got to meet R.J Anthony the guy who wants to adopt the screw up. Mr. Tomas comes into my room fifteen minutes before I meet Mr. Anthony with a smile on his face.
“Well Clair?” Mr. Tomas says. “Are you read for today?”
“I hope.” I say with a smile and hug Mr. Tomas and whisper. “To me you will always be my one and only dad.”
“Just like you to me but daughter.” He whispers back and sends me off the conference room.
I walk out of my room and down to conference room 8 and I hear people whisper as I walk bye “Good luck.” I nod to them and open the door into Conference Room 8 and there is no one in there. I look around confused then to the clock, 11:55, he still has five minutes I say in my mind and go to the window and look out at my old town. While I was so deep in thought about how much I would miss my town I didn’t even hear the door open and close.
“Man I’m going to miss this place so much if everything goes well.” I say with a sigh.
“Well it will only be a two hour drive from here so it’s not like a different state.” a mans voice says from behind me.
I turn around quickly and slightly startled and stare at the man. It was him from yesterday!
“Good to see you again.” He says with a smile and a nod.
“R.J Anthony, I presume?” I say.
“ Yep.” R.J says. “Well you know my name so what is yours?”
“I’m Clair.” I say. “But my full name is Clair June Carter.”
“Well Clair proper interdiction is always a good sign.” R.J says.
I smile and nod and sit down in a chair and he sits opposite of me. That is when I finally get a good look at him. He was dressed in a white button down shirt and nice looking jeans and boots. His hair is a messy blond with these green eyes.
“All I would like to do is ask you a few questions and then I will let Mr. Tomas now my answer right after this and if everything goes well you will be with me by Friday.” R.J says with a smile.
“Sounds great.” I say and smile back a little nervous. In my head I was thinking What questions?! What will I say?!
“Okay so what are you hobbies that you like to do?”
Okay that is an easy one! I thought to myself “Well listening to music, drawing, rollerblading, and walking.” He nods and doesn’t say a word and smiles. I smile as well wondering what he is thinking.
“Okay second question what type of music do you listen to?” R.J says is face not changing. To me this guy must play poker for he’s got the face to play it as well.
“Well a mix of everything really except rap.” I say with my poker face on. “Um… do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Not at all ask away.”
“Well it’s more two but first of all wouldn’t it work better if I just told you about me and secondly do you play poker or gamble games like that?” I say quickly and a little straight forward.
R.J smiles and chuckles a little. “You’re a bright kid there is no doubt about that. Okay so tell me about you besides the music and hobbies. Oh and I do play blackjack with my buddies every Friday night. What about you and I know we agreed that you would say that but do you gamble?”
I laugh lightly with a smile, I was really starting to like this R.J guy.
“Well it’s not really gambling here since we don’t have money really just items, but yes I do play blackjack, and poker every once in awhile. Um… I get along with most people, but usually keep to myself sometimes, I can clean, cook, oh and I’m great with animals but were not allowed to have them here.” I say with a shrug of the shoulders.
“You’re a very talented girl Clair. What sort of animals? R.J asks more interested in the animal then anything else.
“Dogs mostly, horses, I don’t really like cats that much but they are okay.” I say like it’s a rhetorical question.
“Well I think that will do for me and I will let Mr. Tomas now my answer. So maybe I will see you around.” R.J says with a wink then leaves the room.
I stand up and walk out as well and R.J goes down the hall to Mr. Tomas’s office and I go to my room.
“Well I blew that one!” I say grumbling to myself. I turn on my music and look at the calendar. “Today is Wednesday well I’m guessing he will let me know tomorrow and if it’s a good then I pack and then Friday I leave.”
There is a small knock at my door that I could just barely hear and a soft, small, sweet voice behind it.
“Clair will you come outside to the park with me I don’t want to go alone.”
“Come on in Leah.” I say with a smile and turn down the music.
“Will you come to the park with me Clair.” Leah says in a sweet small voice. She has blond curly hair put into pony tails with ribbon. She has on her black and pink skirt with her little cowgirl boots on and her white shirt with a black and pink vest to go with.
“Of course sweet heart.” I say with a smile and I mean how could I resist Leah she was so cute.
“But first can we stop in the cafeteria so I can get a cookie and some milk?” Leah says putting her hands behind her back and looks down at the ground.
I smile and go over to her and squat down in front of her. “Of course. Lets go.”
Leah smiles and grabs my hand and we go downstairs to the cafeteria. Leah starts skipping down the hall way stopping every so often to let me catch up with her. “Come on Clair!”
“I’m coming Leah I’m coming!” I say with a small laugh and smile.
Leah runs into the cafeteria before I get there and I notice it’s pitch black in there and I wait for a light to turn of. None maybe Leah had very good vision? I go into the cafeteria and look around, I couldn’t very well see just past my nose.
“Leah?” I say and look around for the light switch and I’m stumbling around and all of a sudden the lights flash on.
Chapter 2
“Congratulations Clair!!” Everyone shouts.
I look around and see all my friends and not so much friends and a sign hung above them all that says
“What’s going on?!” I say kind of startled and a happy confused.
I look around and see an a line of gifts different shapes and sizes with raped in news paper, rapping paper and bags. The food the cook had made was along two tables and it was a feast to behold, cakes, ice cream, pizza, burgers, hotdogs, soups, sandwiches, and salads, for drinks that was amazing, basically every pop every kid liked and a punch drink as well. All of the staff I know came up and hugged me, and some of the staff I didn’t know as well, then Mr. Tomas comes up and hugs me tightly like he used to when I was a small child.
“Congratulations Clair.” He whispers in my ear. “Were going to miss you a lot around here.”
“You mean?” I say and my eyes widen. “You mean… you mean… he… he….”
“Said yes.” Mr. Tomas says finishing my sentence

- Title: The Secret of a Lie
- Artist: Kiatala
- Description: What if everything you thought and knew was a lie. What if the person you trusted the most, held a secret from you that was so big, you could nearly be killed yourself
- Date: 10/21/2009
- Tags: secret
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Comments (3 Comments)
- Kiatala - 07/17/2012
- No it didn't
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- Cosmic Thing - 07/17/2012
- did this happen to you?
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- Kiatala - 10/25/2009
- Hey everybody please coment on this i need feed back not just your ratings.
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