you know, some people in this world really suck. there are people out there who are assholes and bitches enough to pick on the less fortunate and suck the very life out of them to the point where they dont have the will to live or to breathe or think or dream or have hope for the future of life. sometimes i want to take a spudbar to their crotch and dont even dare say "oh that wouldnt hurt a girl" the hell it wont, ill break their pelvis and they wont be able to sit for a couple months.
want to know who i am? who i really really am?
screw you, i don't know.
but i do know this:
i have problems. and if i dont have problems, then thats my problem. i currently suffer from a selfdiagnosis of borderline and you want to know something? i dont care what you think of me. i may be an undeserving nympho succubus who breathes only because someone cared and decided to take action when he never had before and thus i owe everything to him and i might not be pleasant and i might have unrealistic hopes and i might be scared to death of the future and i might hate your guts, but he is the one i need. not you.
i cant live without him.
if it wasnt for him, coming into my life and changing it forever, i wouldve been dead a year ago. he brought my hope for life to continue even though it is uncertain and unstable just like me but i dont care. as long as he is here so i will be.
as far as assholes and bitches,
go die. no one wants to put up with your attitude
(that means you- kat, tracy, tawnee, brandon, t, ej, corey, charlie, pat, tracy, sam, cassidy, perri, and the rest of you- you should know who you are, and if you don't, ill give you a b***h exam for free)
the ******** end
Who I May or May Not Be
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