Autymn's Journal |
Blah. Hey hey baby cakes. This happens to be my journal, my own little place to vent, write, talk, or whatever. I do very much adore comments so if you can relate to something I say or whatever, feel free to comment and what not. Thanks and namaste!! |
Community Member
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 @ 02:20am
Agent Orange at Hell's Kitchen..June 30, 2006.
that was by far one of the best shows ever. Durango95, C.B. Militia & Agent Orange were bloody brilliant.
C.B. Militia played first, then Durango95, then two ultra shitty bands played, then Agent Orange!!
one of my favorite parts of night was when, Smilin' Andrew (vocals of Durango95) leaned down while singing and kissed me. it was wonderful. he also pulled my hair, in a very good way.
he and i will probably hook up. i don't doubt it.
oh, and my dear friend Leah (bassist of C.B. Militia) kicked a**!! she is one of the coolest people i'll ever know. love her to death!!
i met alot of awesome people, took a couple bodies to the head, did some killer stage-dives, smoked alot of cigs, kissed a gorgeous guy, and chilled with some lovely friends..that night will remain in my memory forever.
can't wait for the next Durango95 show.
later kiddos.
oxox BIG!!
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 03:14am
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Community Member
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 01:17am
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 12:52am
Damn. Alot has happened since I last wrote in my journal.
Yes, actually, a s**t load has happened.
Evan and I are completely over, I'm sure now. I'm still somewhat saddened over that whole thing, although it's been months. However, I'm pretty sure that I'm over him. And yet now I can't seem to forget Joe, my first love.
Joe was pretty much my everything, I'd give anything, and I mean ANYTHING to be with him again. He and I are friends now, very near and dear friends, but I can't help but want it to be more. Whenever we talk on the tele before we hang up, we always say, "I love you." The beautiful thing is we both mean it. The terrible thing is we can't be together right now because he has too much s**t going down, with his family and these people, but I won't get into that.
I hope with all my heart and soul that one day soon, he and I will be together again, and everything will be beautiful. Like the way it once was not too long ago.
Now this is where things get confusing and please don't take this the wrong way, my boyfriend, er, semi-boyfriend (we're on a break-ish thing), Brandon says he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt him and I don't want him to hate me, but at the same time, I want soo badly to be with Joe. So, I think I might have to deal with the pain I'll be causing both myself and Brandon, just to be with my dear Joe once again.
All of this seems foolish and horrid and I know this to be true. It's soo ******** up, I tried to do the best but it's actually the worst thing I could ever do.
Not to mention I got arrested, expelled, and I ran away from home. (well, I ran away for awhile anyway.)
I won't get into details but everything is really ******** up.
Things are better now, but still ******** up, ultra shitty to be exact.
Well, there it is. I let a s**t load out.
Whether you care or not, whatever that's up to you. But I needed to get things out and I did it here. So blah.
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 @ 04:28am
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 @ 12:13am
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Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 @ 04:37am
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 @ 12:09am
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Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 11:19pm