Okay, okay... I know I'm sorry! I've been at my aunt's house since Wednesday! I know it has been longer than that, but I really didn't have much to say since the last time I typed in here! So winter vacation is going great! Not really... I mean I did have fun at my Aunt't house, but at times I got sooooo bored! And then yesterday I felt like just falling on the ground and not getting up! I got a small cold so my bones and stuff like that hurt like heck! augh! it was horrible! But on Saturday my uncle took us to Medival Times! It was sooo much fun! They put you in different sections. We got the blue one so all the people on the blue side would cheer for the blue Knight! He was sooo cute!!!! So obviously I cheered for him! Perhaps more than I really needed to... But at the time I just got caught in the moment, well my cousin, Cindy, and her friend Jessica ( though I wouldn't say that anymore right now since she is mad at her...) including me also! Anyways during the act or play or whatever you want to call it. We would watch them fight and after every fight the Knight would throw three flowers that he kissed! And OMG! I almost about died when he threw one at us!!! I was suprised, but that didn't stop me from going after that flower! lol it fell behind us and I fell out of my chair in order to grab it! I did grab it and I was about to pull it towards me when that girl Jessica *insert hiss* took it from my hands! I was soooo pissed, but I let her keep it, cause I didn't want the flower ruined! Plus now that I think about it. Just the thought that he threw it at as was enough! It means he saw us and thought I'm gonna throw one at those very supportive girls over there! lol. After the thing was over I took a picture with him and I got his autograph! Not that he was famous or anything... Just cause he's was super cute! X3 I am defenetly going again! I don't know when, but I am going! I will take another picture of him! lol. A great memory I think!
XxXNekoAbiXxX · Mon Dec 26, 2005 @ 07:31pm · 0 Comments |
I've been doing chores up until now. So its all good now. I'm so excited about tomorrow though! I finally get my first car! *jumps up and down in excitement* I can't wait! I'm not sure which one I'm getting yet. My dad printed out a bunch of different cars (there is only five... >_> wink that we would go look at tomorrow. I was kind of hoping to go to my friends house though (Misty). I haven't seen her at all this week! Its mostly because of the whole ice thing that was happening. I didn't go to school for two days! YaY! I bet those people up at the North were laughing at us, cause we have no idea how to survive in this type of weather. But I would love to see them try to survive a texas summer!!! They would throw up all their precious food, and with no air conditioner some of them might even die X_x . I don't really wish anyone death I just don't think anybody should be hypocrite since it could happen to them also even if it isn't the same exact situation. So about school... We have an Art show on Monday... Which I don't want to go to at all, but the teacher said we had to for an extra grade. Plus I don't think it would be that bad to listen to the band. I kind of miss it in a way. But by no means would I ever want to go back in it again. Anyways back to the Art show. I don't think I'm gonna go at all though, cause its on Monday and Bobii is supposed to come over to pick up the cat and I also have something to do later that day. Plus the teacher wants to put up this one pastel thing that I did, but I don't like it. I hate it. I should have just told the teacher that I didn't want to do it. It's at least about 4 weeks overdue. Can you tell that I don't want to finish it? or that I hate it for that matter?... I want to burn the thing down. Actually I'm gonna give it to someone. I don't really want to be reminded about it. I always give away the ones that I don't like. The one I'm working on right now is pretty nifty. Its this really kool looking bird that I got from a magazine. He's adorable, you just want to pick him up and huggle him. He's a very tiny bird though in the picture he looks quite big. Oh in PFD we aren't gonna do anymore cooking stuff. Which kind of sucks, cause we were going to make cookies next. I was really looking forward to that. The pizza and salad has defenetly been the best out of all of them though. Even though it was a pretty cheap and easy to make pizza it was still good for what it was. It sure did taste better than the one that they give at the school! That one just tastes plain yucky! I only eat the crust which has cheese on it. Which reminds me that today the librarians had a party for us! We go to go in there during lunch and we had some pizza! It was soooo good! I also had a Christmas tree cookie! Today we also had the PAL Christmas thingy. My first period teacher took us to go see the girl and give her her presents. She didn't look that excited. I was like "If I was getting a Dora the Explorer I would be bouncing off the walls!" She just looked at her then handed her to this one guy who she gave everyone of her presents. So I left and went over to the other kid which the librarians and some of the library aids sponsored. He was such and adorable boy! He was telling me about his skateboard and how his mom had got him one a long time ago. He got two car tracks and Alex finished building one of them and we got to play with it for a little while! He was so adorable! I just wanted to hug him, but he would have probably been scared to death of me! XD Oh well! At least I got to see him. I didn't even ask him his name... So this weekend was super boring! Except when I went out to eat with some of my friends to an Italian restaurant which name I can't spell! lol. We did ended up going to go look for cars, but my dad said that we would look for my sister's first since she needed it more than me... I was mad! >< I mean come one I'm the one who is going to get stuck riding the bus after she gets married!!! Then again we were supposed to go buy me and my mom some new glasses also, but we just looked for my sister's car. It made me mad! I mean why did we have to look for her car. If we had gone to look for glasses it would have been for sure that we would have found some. I already knew the somewhat type of glasses that I wanted. Plus I needed them for the wedding. I don't think I'm gonna get a chance to buy a new pair this coming week at all. I did get some really kool stuff at Ross though! I bought this neat looking dresser for my room and this really fancy looking material that I put on a chair. Its neat cause its in asian style, so is my dresser. Once we get the paint to color the walls in my room we are gonna have to move out all the stuff that I put in. It will be hard work, but it will be so worth it. So far my room looks good. A bit more like me and less like my sister. I still need to clean up alot, but I want to wait for my sister to take all her stuff to her house so that I can arrange all of my stuff right. My mom said that we should keep the bunk beds though, cause thats where my family sleeps when they come over. If they do come over and my room is done boy are they going to be suprised! I don't think it will be cause my family being the type of people they are... They want to have an after party after the party over at our house. The groom and the bride don't even have to be there! Just family having fun. Which shouldn't be all that odd, cause they do it quite often. I think they just come up with random reasons to have parties. As for tomorrow it should be intresting... I'm gonna wear my new clothes and I'm very much excited more curius I would say... to see the face my friends make when they see me dressed like that. I'm almost certain that Sara will I say look good and so will Jennifer, but I'm not so sure about the rest of them. Justin probably won't really care (he never does). Shannon will probably just dismiss it or at least thats what I think she'll do. I don't think I know her enough yet to know what kind of reaction she will have... and Billy well I don't know about him. I guess we'll see tomorrow, ne?
XxXNekoAbiXxX · Mon Dec 12, 2005 @ 03:51am · 0 Comments |
Well school is going to start today. I'm dreading it, cause I didn't finish my report and I'm currently working on another report. I swear I hate those things! If it wasn't for them I would be passing English with flying colors! If its not one class I'm failing its another! I guess I just have to try harder. I certainly don't want to fail this year! It is my last year after all.
XxXNekoAbiXxX · Mon Nov 28, 2005 @ 11:53am · 0 Comments |
I'm so happy and giddy! Yesterday I finally asked out the guy I liked and he said yes! Rawk on! I'm happy and excited! I hope I stay like this all week, cause I've been doing so much better in school. Now I'm not freaking out about my grades like I should be, but I am working harder so its all good! Eeek for happiness!!! Now I shall go watch South Park!
XxXNekoAbiXxX · Wed Nov 02, 2005 @ 05:20am · 2 Comments |
I just finished my new drawing w00t! I'm not gonna put it up on the Art Arena though, cause I messed up way too much on the background. My hand wasn't being nice when I was going over it with a sharpie that day... Damn hand... stare I love you my Twin! This drawing is for the both of us!!! lol. I'm working on an Inuyasha & Me drawing now. So far it looks good. I need to fix his arm though. It looks kind of funky and kind of like he's not hugging me, but pushing me away and I defenetly do not want that!!!! I would never let go! eek
 Thats not the one I'm workin on ofcourse since it has Jessica in it too.
XxXNekoAbiXxX · Fri Oct 14, 2005 @ 10:09pm · 0 Comments |
More Pictures! And a Story! err... a thing that happened... |
I got my bangs cut last Sunday! It was awesomeness! Though for a while I thought my mom was going to kill me though it was the exact opposite! She freaked a bit....(she screamed her head off in the kitchen... seriously... stare ) She doesn't like it all that much, but she's okay with it. I'm gonna get it cut again soon for my sister's wedding though. So it won't stay this way for long. I'll try to take some pictures and put them online soon!
XxXNekoAbiXxX · Thu Oct 06, 2005 @ 12:46am · 1 Comments |