Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Description: Pretty, in a simple, elegant fashion. Not one to wear layers of make-up, her natural beauty shines through at all times. Her auburn hair falls in long waves and curls, ending around her shoulders, a contrast to her bright, emerald eyes. Her skin is sun kissed, and she has more than a few freckles, which only add to her quaint charm.
She has a very heart shaped face, and her cheek bones are a little on the high side. Her lips are pink and pouty, not to mention usually turned up in a smile, and her nose is slightly upturned, cute and button like. She looks a little innocent, but don't let her fool you too quickly, looks can be deceiving! She seems to radiate love and good nature.
She is hardly short, standing at 5'6, but neither is she tall. She's quite slim, although she is not quite sickly, seems like she is headed in that direction though. She has some curves, which she seems quite fond of indeed. Don't be too shocked if you see her copping a feel on herself one day.
Her ears are pierced once, but that is the only piercing she has, although she has considered getting more. She has a small tattoo of a butterfly on her left hip, it's a very colorful and ethereal looking butterfly, and she likes to see it as very representative of herself. She likes to wear a good bit of jewelry around her neck, but she stays away from rings and most bracelets, because they tend to either get in the way or get ruined when painting. She has plenty of scars, and bruises, all obviously from shooting up, but she hides them well with make-up.
She has a good bit of Southern Belle charm, which comes across in both the confident way she holds herself and her accent. Not one of the strongest accents you're likely to hear, but noticeable none-the-less, very sweet and sugary, like most aspects of her personality and appearance alike.
Personality: A Seemingly care free, bohemian artist. Valerie isn't afraid of being exactly who she is, which happens to be a very happy person. She is very extroverted, and instantly takes to new people, and thanks to her good nature and natural charisma they usually take right back. She is the type of girl who usually has a smile for everything, and sees the glass as half full.
The artist has run with a bit of a rough crowd in the past, but she definitely knows how to act in high society, which thankfully has helped get her works into some fairly decent galleries, she can at least pay her bills most of the time. Things do get tough occasionally, and she has been on the streets once or twice before. She has good manners and social graces when it's important, but mostly she is a relax, lay back, enjoy the ride, and have some fun type of girl. Her life is hardly centered around hard work, since she loves what she does.
She is quick to take lead if she sees no one else is doing that job, but if there is someone more suitable, well then that's fine with her too, she's got a highly adaptable personality due to her careless nature, many might even consider her reckless. She's usually not temperamental, or likely to throw a tantrum, but she has a couple hot button issues, and if she has a problem she is probably going to confront you about it. She just sees it as better to be upfront and honest. One thing she hates to be called is a liar.
She has a bit of a rebellious streak, so don't try and oppress her. She'll tell you what's what and do as she see fits when she's in the mood to. She doesn't tend to keep steady or long term relationship, partly because of her flighty nature and partly because of her drug use, not to mention a dislike for real commitments of any sort.
She likes to explore new places and meet new faces, and so she frequently moves from town to town, never really settling down all the way. One day she is there, the next she is packing her bags and jumping a plane, train or bus, whatever it takes. Most of her art is dealt through third parties and such so she doesn't have to deal with the hassle, although she will if she has to. Her art is her life.
Lately her drug habit has really escalated, and is beginning to take a bit of a mental and physical toll on her. She's dependent on Heroin, and usually shoots up three or four times a day, occasionally more. She's had a couple of off high hallucinations, and is maybe a little more paranoid than she used to be, but so far things haven't been too dramatic.
Inventory: A bulky back pack with a nice sketch book, pencils, paint brushes, paints, her camera, and plenty of heroine and needles. Because she stuffs them everywhere all the time. It helps to keep up the creative juices. Also in the back pack are the things you'd expect to find in a woman's purse, or at least this narrators, and some things for sudden overnight stays, which were frequent for Valerie. Hair brush, tooth brush, little tube of tooth paste, little mini deodorant, keys, wallet, mints, hand sanitizer, Pain killers (not Tylenol), a change of panties (you never knew if you would meet a handsome stranger, or friend even who takes your breath away when out), a few pieces of gum, sun glasses, hair ties, iPod, make-up.
Likes: Art, drawing, painting, liberation, love, friends, sunny days, the color yellow, relaxing, reading, music, traveling, museums, lazy days, rainy days, adventure, Heroin.
Dislikes: Jerks, rap and screamo, staying in one place for too long, settling in, commitment, "haters" of almost anything.
Career/Schooling: She has a fine arts degree, it's pretty much completely useless.