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My life as a Gaia Adventurer.
It's the end of another full week of March.

But also...

Beware the Ides of March!

"Advice is free, Alexander. Making use of it costs much more!" -Ali from King's Quest VI.

My journal, if you wanna read it.

End of the Work Week... and it's also Pie Day! Who's hungry for some?

It's all downhill for this week. Won't be long till it concludes.

Happy Hump Day!

Yeah, I was gonna do pencilings yesterday, but my mind was out of it.

Well... I did do other stuff I was planning during the week, so at least that was something.

Anyway, let's try to get through the rest of the week as best we can.

Tuesday has arrived.

I'm trying to take care of something before work. And after work, I hope I can do some pencilings I wanted to do. But we'll see what happens.

Another workweek has begun, hopefully we can get through this Monday after the change to Daylight Savings.

Hope you all adjusted well to DST (whoever observes such).

Well, a new week of March 2025 is here, so let's make the best use of it!

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