I woke up in the early morning because I was so exited blaugh I was bored so I went on Gaia Online and Bebo for while. Around 12 o'clock my grand parents came to visit. I only said '' Hello ''. At 1 o'clock finally the best part of that day. I jumped into the car and my dad drove us to Limerick City. I was listing to my iPod until we got there. Our car entered the busy streets of Limerick,

it was noisy and crowded. Later our car was parked in the biggest parking lot in Limerick and we started to walk to where we were gonna go. It took us about 15 minutes. I and my family walked on the bridge where we saw the Limerick River and we arrived in the place we were waiting for. Well I think you all know already from the pictures below, ice skating rink. The line was long and we finally got in to the building. What we saw was...
A counter gonk
I gave the tickets to the staff and he took my shoes and gave me the skates. I putted it on. It was easy to stand and had very sharp blade. When all of us got the skates on we waited for while until the staffs opened the entrance. The people ran ( with the skates) and some fell. I rushed but didn't fell. When I stepped into the entrance it was the carpet again. About a metre away I saw the rink. I ran to the ice. Don't imagine of me falling and going to the hospital because that didn't happen I was able to skate because I skated in Japan. But this rink was smoother and better. I was skating away and suddenly a staff came to me and touched my shoulder. I was shocked and fell on my butt stressed He said
'' Are you OK? '' Yes, if you weren't there stressed ( Don't worry I didn't say that ) I replied simply '' Yes '' than the staff said '' You are going the wrong way '' stressed
Then I looked yes I was skating in the wrong way. So I got up and turned. I skated and skated. I got really tired so I decided to slow down a bit. ( I will never go out of the rink evil I pay 13 euro for this thing and I'm not gonna waste it twisted )
Then again I heard a voice.
'' Hey Kian ( My name. Pokky is my nickname) '' And I looked back. It was my friend from school named Malcolm well Callum is his name. Everyone call him Callum. I replied and said '' Hi Callum Happy New year biggrin ''
We skated for while and I was going too fast so I decided to skate by myself.
I sat on the Christmas tree many times. ( Photo Below )

I skated and skated. I was pushed by older people many times and fell. I skated my fastest and jumped Axel in the last few minutes then the time was over.
I took my skates and gathered with my family. Later we went out of the rink and my butt was sour and also my knees burning_eyes I also felt weird walking with shoes.
My family decided to go to the Thai restaurant called Bamboo. We had some green curry and rice and many other lovely food. It was just fantastic. After our dinner we walked to the parking lot ad drove home. When have arrived I straight went on Gaia Online and Bebo again. ( I'm like an Internet freak ) I had a supper which was a soup and a bread I waited for the countdown and exactly at 0:00 AM I sent a message to my friends saying '' Happy New Year '' blaugh