It's really not a difficult thing to learn. Once you have the basics down, it's all practice.
I can't guarantee that vending will help you become "rich", but it can definitely help you nab a few thousand gold every now and again.
The Marketplace
The part of the marketplace that you'll be using can be found here. You'll be spending time here, clicking the "go" button, and looking for deals. 3nodding
☼ Let's take a look at this screen.

These are basic functions of the page you'll be vending on.
► Shops: This tab does exactly what you'd think it does. It brings you to the NPC shops.
► Marketplace: This brings you to the main marketplace page. It also has an arrow dropdown menu that contains shortcuts to item search, your shop, the link provided prior to this, and a shortcut to listing an item.
► Premium Items: Just an advertisement section for cash-related items.
► Chance Items.: This will bring you to a page that talks about the current RIG (Random Item Generator). It usually provides the % chance of making it past each level of the RIG, and at the bottom, supplies a picture of items found in the RIG.
► Evolving Items: Brings you to the Evolving Item Museum.
► Monthly Collectibles: This tab will bring you to the MC advertisement page, which also has a link to the MC museum.
► Sort by...: This bit is important. Do you see that little dropdown menu? Click the arrow, and select "just added". You want it on that so you see the newest listings! heart
► Item, Buy Now, etc.: These are self-explanatory. Item tells you the item listed, buy now is the current price of that listing, bid price is for auctions, seller is the user selling the item, and time left is how much time is left before the listing cancels (in a day/hour/minute/second format).
☼ Now, a few things you'll want to do before vending.
If you know how to turn javascript on/off, feel free to skip this part. Those of you who do not know, I will explain. On firefox, select the "tools" dropdown at the top of your firefox, then select "options". In the pop-up, select "content". There will be a checkbox to turn off javascript. You can turn this off while vending to load things a little bit faster.
►To save your password in firefox: Tools -> Options -> Security. Check off "remember passwords for sites". If you're using a shared computer, do NOT do this! The next time you enter your password, firefox should prompt you to save your password.
►Adblock is a good thing to have. It will block any advertisements on gaia, and will allow you to load pages faster. It can be found here.
☼ There's really not much else to vending. If you want, you can download and install the FasterFox add-on.
► What should I vend?
☼ Vend whatever looks good to you. You're looking for items lower than marketplace, that will still offer some profit after the 2% tax. Remember, profit is profit, no matter how big or small.
► Everyone keeps beating me to deals! Help?!
☼ Well, that's a bummer. D:
Just keep at it! Vendors pass up some decent profit every once in awhile. After some practice, you'll be getting more items. No worries!
► I only have x amount of gold. Can I still vend?
☼ Not to worry! You can vend with virtually any amount of gold. Have less than 1k? Look up some cheaper gold shop items, and see if any are listed below their sellback price! Just think, learning to work with less will help you work with however much gold you have available at anytime. wink