Name: Othien Arastaur (oath-EE-en AIR-ust-arr)
Age: appears to be around 30 years old
Species: Unknown, but often (incorrectly) assumed to be a demon. More likely a mix of several species.
Although his appearance is that of a wild man, Othien is actually very civilized as far as manners are concerned, in fact at times there is something even regal about his temperament. He is respectful to most people of whom he has no opinion yet, but never very friendly or warm. He is often very mellow on the surface, but those who know him better can see that his projected calm is a front for the bitterness towards the universe he holds, which seems to be the effect of a long, difficult life, although he withholds any information which would prove this theory.
Othien lives in a small, shabby cabin in the far-removed wild of a mostly uninhabited, unnamed forest planet - universe Cinna//5. He has a small number of chickens, sheep, and cattle (used for eggs, wool, and milk, respectively, but never meat) as well as a substantial garden, while his protein is found from hunting both large and small game.
He is the disciple and prophet of Khayethwe (HAI-uh-thway) the spirit of the forest, whose shrine is very near to his home. Other residents of the wild who worship the spirit have described him as her "consort" or "sometimes-husband." He is not very forthright about his life before this point, although he will admit that he is here because he is looking for something.
When he first came to this planet, he had only his staff and the clothes on his back. It is said that he was greatly wounded and that Khayethwe sensed "a great sickness" in him and healed him of his injuries - except for his missing eye which she could not replace - and his illness. In gratitude, he became her most faithful devotee, and renounced his previous identity. He spends much of his time preaching to her followers, and it is because of his devotion to his goddess that he does not suffer the effects of aging, at least not linearly.
What is known about his life before he lived in the forest is that he began studying to be a wizard at a very early age. During his adolescence, Othien decided to begin specializing in storm and weather elemental magic for whatever reason.
These days, when he isn't preaching or gardening, he spends his time digging around the forest for something or studying dark magic, which Khayethwe has tried to get him to give up. He remains convinced that he is not going to use these evil arts for selfish purposes, and that he would never use them for violence.
- Storm Magic:
Othien's specialty is storm magic (thunder and lightning, and other weather to a lesser extent). He often summons tempests or harsh winds, as well as bolts of lightning or thunder. Essentially, he holds power over the weather. Resistance to shock.
- Staff:
Othien is capable of using magic without his staff, but using it allows him to channel the energy of the elemental storm spirits which serve Khayathwe. Without his staff, his magic may be just as powerful, but it takes a heavier toll on his mind and body channeling the electricity through his own veins. The staff is old and battered, but the golden baubles which hang from it have been meticulously taken care of and cleaned over the years.
- Dagger:
In a tight spot, Othien is not above removing a hidden dagger from his boot and fighting dirty. He is modestly skilled with the small blade.
Fighting Style:
- Unless they try to kill him first, Othien will probably not kill an opponent - provided he does not bear any animosity towards them.
- Othien will sometimes use underhanded tactics to win a battle.
- Othien will not talk very much during the actual battle unless his opponent does.