Behind the Pip-Boy: Dryson
You ever heard of: Frank Merlot
Or maybe...: Vintage
Are you blind: Male
Yeah, I'm: 36
Watch it, I carry:2x: PB / 6P9 silenced pistol
1x: XM-3 Lightweight sniper rifle
1x: standard issued combat knife
1x :sa80 assault rifle
You mess with mess with: Riley's Rangers
What's my story?Frank and a team of six where put in cryostasis in vault 108 when it was first built. he was suppose to be woken up after the 30 years to do clean up with his Team when the vault was ready to be open knowing fully that Vault tech had given its residents the means to make clones and in the case of those clones being hostile Franks team would be there to finish them off before the vault tech scientist ever had to open the vault doors. this never went as plan as the bombing of washington altered settings on the cryostasis pods as well the Clones had unexpectedly cause extreme damage to the vault inner controls resulting in other problems, all six of Franks team mates life support where shut down but franks remain in tact. After Frank had awoken he found Washington being a different place then he remembered and quickly had to find answers this resulting in him meeting up with a group called Riley's Rangers a mercenary group thats job was to remap the capital wasteland he quickly became a great asset to the group
Guess who I see:

his facial features: short dirty blonde hair blue eyes and scar going across his left cheek,
And another thing:his gear runs in the same fashion as a pip-boy only his is a prototype built for military usage. it uses a sync system that will help power anything capable of linking up to the pip-boy simply by the users touch.