User: F__kalicious
Name: Radiance Isla
Age: 17
School: Hollow
Year: Junior
Gender: Female
I'm: Straight
Rude People
Being alone
Healthy foods
Bio: Radiance is a sweet and understanding person. She loves to read, write, and she thinks she can sing. She keeps to herself mostly, but her parents think that this trip will change that, or so they hope that it will.

User: F__kalicious
Name: Jacob McCloud
Age: 159 real age, 18 looks like
School: Hollow
Year: Senior
Gender: Male
I'm: Straight
~Rude and disrespectful people
~Certain types of cats
Bio: He was born full demon but when he disrespected his father, Jacob was forced to leave and join the humans top side. His full name was Sonneillon Zagan, first name meaning demon of hatred last name meaning demon king. When he came topside he chose the name Jacob McCloud. He hasnt spoken to his parents in almost a millenia. When he was chosen to go on this trip he wasnt going to go at first but then he decided to go for the girls.
Race: Demon
My disguise:

What i truly look like:

Username: F__kalicious
Name: Jade Isla
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: San Francisco, California, U.S.A
Universe: Earth Prime
Personality: Jade is really sweet but she can get upset or mad very easily so you have to be very carefull around her.
Skills: She is really good at Science and she can take things apart and put them back together in a working condition if not a better condition. She also knows some First aid.
Biography: Jade and Samantha (her best friend) were confronted by a man named Quinn Mallory and he explained what the timer was and how to use it. Unfortunatly, what he didnt tell them were any of the risks of sliding or if they could ever get home again.

Username: F__kalicious
Name: Jade Isla
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: San Francisco, California, U.S.A
Universe: Earth Prime
Personality: Jade is really sweet but she can get upset or mad very easily so you have to be very carefull around her.
Skills: She is really good at Science and she can take things apart and put them back together in a working condition if not a better condition. She also knows some First aid.
Biography: Jade and Samantha (her best friend) were confronted by a man named Quinn Mallory and he explained what the timer was and how to use it. Unfortunatly, what he didnt tell them were any of the risks of sliding or if they could ever get home again.
Username: F__kalicious
Name: Radiance Isla
Age: 17
I'm a: Succubus Demon
Bio: Her mother was a full succubus, her father was human. She was abandoned because neither parent could watch over her in fear of her being killed. Even though her father was human she is still a full succubus. Radiance travels to the nearby villages helping others, when she came across Intertwined and thats where she decided to stay for a while.
Personality: Radiance is a shy girl she is not very talkitive. Her voice is so beautiful that it would lead young men to their deaths. She is also really quiet.
Rude obnoxious people
fighting (unless she has to)
I'm with: Zakary
I look like this:
human form
demon form
Always one eye is red and the other is black, even in human form.
Name: Radiance Isla
Age: 17
I'm a: Succubus Demon
Bio: Her mother was a full succubus, her father was human. She was abandoned because neither parent could watch over her in fear of her being killed. Even though her father was human she is still a full succubus. Radiance travels to the nearby villages helping others, when she came across Intertwined and thats where she decided to stay for a while.
Personality: Radiance is a shy girl she is not very talkitive. Her voice is so beautiful that it would lead young men to their deaths. She is also really quiet.
Rude obnoxious people
fighting (unless she has to)
I'm with: Zakary
I look like this:
human form

demon form

Puppeteer: F__kalicious
Character Name: Jacob McCloud
Gender: Male
Dorm: C.E./High
~Rude and disrespectful people
~Certain types of cats
Powers: just has the power to transform into his demon side and he can do alittle mind control.
Race: Demon
Sexuality: Straight
Bio.: He was born full demon but when he disrespected his father, Jacob was forced to leave and join the humans top side. His full name was Sonneillon Zagan, first name meaning demon of hatred last name meaning demon king. When he came topside he chose the name Jacob McCloud. He hasnt spoken to his parents in almost a millenia. When he was chosen to go to this school he almost thought about declining the request
Anything special?: N/a
Human Form:

Demon form:

Character Name:Amani McCloud
Age:looks like 17 actually is 156
Gender: Female
Hunting things
Rude obnoxious people
snotty girls
her brother Jacob
She can speak with wolves
heal others as well as herself
she can track things or people if needed
can mind control
Sexuality: Straight
Bio.: She is alot like Jacob in a lot of ways. When he disrespected their father and went top side she followed him but he doesnt know it until she shows up at the school. Amani 's original name was Pasaniriel Sabamibiel before she renamed her self. She has big black wings below the coat she always wears.
Anything special?: she can only speak to ten wolves they help her hunt and track down people or things these are those wolves
No one has ever seen her eyes, she has always had them covered.