So I wonder just how depressing this sounds...I was just typing what came to mind, so if it's confusing and makes no sense, well welcome to my mind XD It's mostly just military but it has a few other hints too. What got me thinking was my mom's friend's grandson graduated from marine boot camp and it reminded me of my own brother's and what not. So yeah, it's based off events of the past and now. I typed it in my phone on my way home, so yeah I was depressed coming back. Only because my brother's going to Korea, both may end up there, and my dad's saying it's not the best of times for them to be there.

You sit there in your seat after hours of getting ready in only a cramped hotel with two others. You know its coming and your so proud. The pressing thought of the one dislike and the ones you love are there but you ignore it. Today is not about you nor them its about one person, the brother who has put himself through hell to be a savior of a corrupted country in hopes the things will become peaceful.

In all the years your brother has teased you and even though things are a bit hazy sometimes, you know you love him and will until the day you die, and perhaps longer. He's always been there as a protector in your eyes and sometimes your his protected unbeknown to most.
The moment comes when they call forth his squad. You hold the video camera up in hopes of seeing him and though a tape can't quiet capture a moment like this you continue to record. Tears threaten to fall but you fight them. You see him and feel so proud.
The bands play and they have there last show off. Before you know it the ceremony is over. He's the Navy's now. He's not just your misguided brother, he's on the right path. Your all proud as you see him and rush forth to get a hug. A picture is taken of you and your brothers. All else is ignored as you worry about your brothers safety.

A year later you worry about how the military shall fair under such hectic control of the country. Nothing is right anymore, everything's going to turmoil. Nobody knows what to do. The world fights with itself for power and greed. Its all sins and hate and you yourself can admit to some. Its a nightmare to being living in this age and time and with family in all the military know somethings going to happen.
Families will lose sons,fathers,wives, daughters and the forever growing list. No one will get out without pain. The proud feelings turn to worry. No where is safe for anyone. What's to happen to your big brother? Only time can tell. Will it be kind or bring hell upon us?