Anyways, this suject section is about tends n' styles.
I like really cute things so you might see some very kawaii things.
Anyways, I'll try to put some really cool stuff up and such.
By the Way, These Pictures and things are NOT Mine.
An adjective in Japanese meaning " pretty; cute; lovely; charming; dear; darling; pet" It's stem is two kanji meaning "can love". It is commonly used by anime and manga fans.
Okay, so the first thing that totally got my attention would be
Yukiumi Nails

I think they are really REALLY cute. What are they? Fake nails.
They have so much styles and nails and they are just lovely!
There is the linkie:
They have so much styles and nails and they are just lovely!
There is the linkie:
T r e n d s
Leg Warmers
Hair Extentions
Hippie HeadBands
Hair Extentions
Hippie HeadBands
What do you think of these rising trends? so so rising where I am?
My opinion
I think Leg warmers are acually pretty cute! well, only on some people though.
Hair extentions are gross. I mean, sew on hair to your OWN Hair..? Uhmm, wrong much?
Okay, hippie Headbands, Hate them Yes, I hate them and I am very sorry. I dunno how but they poof up your hair in a way and they look ridiculous!
Uggs, Oh please. I mean, ANIMAL? seriously. That is soo cruel. *Yes I love animals so I'd definetly hate this*
And Lastly, Twilight things .. wow. Just a Bit too much twilight. I'm starting to get annoyed now. T-shirts, bandages, action figures, Wristbands, Necklaces, EVERYTHING!