Lord knows I never thought I would actually make a post like this anywhere or ever in my life. But anyway I have a small problem, well more like a big problem, depends on your perspective I guess. Anyway! There's this boy at school I think I have a crush on, I say think because I've never had a crush on anybody before. So how am I sure of this? Well, thinking about him makes me feel weird, I get really happy, and my heart starts to beat really fast. Haven't done that for anybody before so I'm assuming its a crush. Back to the story. He's my best guy friend ever because I can talk to him about everything and anything, may it be video games, movies, politics, foods, literate, history, medical stuff, what ever comes up we talk about. I'm also really comfortable around him and I thought I had a crush on him last year, but I wasn't really sure. Then a week before school starts and bam, realize I do have a crush on him. I would tell him, eventually, but there's just one problem; He has a girlfriend. Not only that but I know the girl, we aren't close but still, its pretty bad. I'm just confused and I don't know what to do and it ultimately sucks.
Yeah....thats all.
Zettai Yoru · Wed Sep 24, 2008 @ 11:40pm · 1 Comments |
Weird how things can turn out sometimes... |
(( Writing because I feel the need to vent..-shrug- ))
It's amazing how kind life can be one day then completely messed up the next. Or better yet, it's amazing how quickly a person's life can change in a matter of minutes. Another thing that strikes me as a little odd is how when you tell yourself to trust your feelings, and you don't, things can turn out pretty badly.
Last month on the 12th the day was pretty good, I was having fun with my cousin and grandma and nothing seemed weird at all. When I got home though I felt a bit odd, like something was wrong. My mom was out and so was everyone else and I kept feeling like something bad was going to happen. I had called my aunt a good amount of times before my mom got home for various reasons but when I heard something blow up I didn't call her at all, instead I just sat by my laptop curled up in a blanket. If anything that's a decision I'm going regret for the rest of my life.
Turns out that big boom I heard was the fuse box in my next door neighbors shed blowing up, and ours was connected to it, separated by a wall. A fire had started, pretty small at first and it wasn't really noticeable by anyone. When my mom got home later that night she said something smelled like it was burning and I did to, but we just ignored it and went to bed. Another thing I'll regret for quite awhile.
At 3:00 am the next morning I woke up due to the smell of something burning, I looked around and saw smoke and just thought I was having another one of those weird dreams I had been having lately. But the thought ended quickly as I saw fire at my window and I was choking on smoke. It didn't take to long before I got everyone up and out of the house, waking up the neighbors and heading across the street to call my dad and aunt, and just sit for awhile and get some water into our bodies.
By the time the sun was coming up the back of my house and been burned to the ground and I was surprised at how calm I was about everything, that was until I was reminded of two simple things.
1. The lamb I've slept with sense I was born was gone 2. My baby brothers Pooh Bear was gone also.
Number one didn't bother me to much, but it was number two that brought me to my knees in tears. Now, I do have a younger brother but it wasn't his bear. The stuffed animal had belonged to my much younger brother who had died quite a few years before due to brain damage. I couldn't believe how much it broke me up on the inside and nothing else moved me at all. I was ok with my books being gone, my anime being burned to a crisp, and everything that had value to me had all been gone within a matter of minutes. But that was ok, all that really mattered was that everyone was ok and no one was hurt, physically anyway.
Zettai Yoru · Sun Apr 22, 2007 @ 07:59am · 2 Comments |
Username: Akkei.Tsuki Character Name: Yoru, Zettai Character Age: 16 Character Gender: Female Village: Konoha Height: 5’6” Weight: 110 Rank: Chunin Personality: Zettai is….Zettai, no other way to really describe her. The girl likes to be pessimistic and sarcastic to those she’s not close to, or doesn’t know for that matter. To those who know her though she can be a sweet child, of course the sarcasm doesn’t go away but hey no ones perfect. Both of these personality traits only kick in when around people though so can’t be described as her true nature. In reality she’s a very calm girl, rarely moved by anything and manages to keep her cool in a good amount of situations. She likes to be by herself and away from people, but only because she sees human beings as being ‘ annoying pests..; weird but it can’t be helped. Advance Bloodline: None Weapons: Typical ninja wepons ( Kunai, senbon, shuriken, and edan ), Kouchiwa, Kodachi, Crescent boomerangs ( as pictured, small but very sharp at the same time. If used with the right amount of speed and strength can cut through just about anything )), and Sai. Crush: None Background: Zettai grew up having something of an unstable childhood, never really knowing what it meant to be apart of a true family. The girl never knew who her real parents were; they didn’t die, it wasn’t that they didn’t want her, it’s just the fact they weren’t at all sane. Because of that simple fact she lived with her aunt and uncle for a few years. Both adults were often away, leaving Zettai in the house by herself and with no one around Zettai often found herself training just for the need to have something to do, and soon this would become a habit for all the families she lived in.. One day when she was six both were reported dead, being killed on a mission. After that she was forced to move in with another group of relatives, but this make shift family, like the last, didn’t seem to last long and by the time she was seven she was already moving in with someone else.
Up until she was thirteen Zettai lived her life like this, moving from family member to family member till there was no one left to move in with. She was sent to an orphanage but things didn’t last long there either. No one there died, fell ill, or disappeared but instead she was constantly being called a jinx. The other children laughed at her and often told her no one would take her, that something bad would happen to them like the rest of her family members. So one day she simply ran away, but it didn’t last this way long. She was found by a rather strong medial nin, and taken in by him. To her surprise a year later, when she was 10, nothing bad happened to him.
The man proved to be rather kind, he wasn’t always gone like everyone else had been, and he stayed home, training her, making her strong. For these simple facts alone Zettai considered him to be more of a real father then any blood related man she had lived with. Even today she still lives with him, she still trains with him and he teaches her new jutsus when he’s not away. The girl calls it a peace of mind from everything she’s been though, but still has a small doubt in her mind that this will last much longer. Appearance:  Theme Song: Somewhere I Belong ~ Linkin Park Other: She knows a wide range of jutsus, each of the families she lived with dealt with a different type and she made sure to learn at least some of the techniques. Also has a photographic memory and a really big sweet tooth, so is often seen with a box of strawberry pockey in hand.
Zettai Yoru · Thu Mar 08, 2007 @ 03:48pm · 0 Comments |
This is a character I made for a Naruto related website I'm on.
Name:Yuki ( Zettai ) Yoru Age: 19 Gender: Female Hair/Fur Color: Purple Eye Color: Light Red / Pink Height: 5’6” Marital Status: Single Misc Info: Has a photographic memory. She also keeps books on people she’s met. Each has it’s own title for example: ‘ Toragakure Jounin/Special Jounin/Kage”, “ Toragakure Chunin” and so on and so forth. Each book contains a profile and a picture of the person, along with whatever else she feels the need to add.
Personality: Zettai has always been known as the ‘ off child ‘ oddly silent and just watching everything around her. Its even been said she doesn’t have the ability to talk because she’s fallen on her head one to many times ( which she doesn’t find very funny ). But the girl a bit silent, constantly thinking and watching, she’s also very calm under any situation which annoys very many people she’s come to find out. She’s not very big on trusting people, or getting along with them for that matter, but when people do get to know her she can be quite caring.
Regular Clothing
Zettai was born and raised by her mother and father in Toragakure, both top Special Jounin within the village. And even though she was brought up in a loving family it still had it’s few issues, or at least what ever one else in her family saw as issues.. From the time she was six her parents trained her relentlessly everyday, working her to the bone and wearing out every muscle in her little body. If that wasn’t enough there were some days where she would just sit and read all day, how she knew what half the words in most of those books were she still doesn’t know. They told her it was better to train young and be prepared for what ever came her way then to lack in disciple and strength and die foolishly. Even when she started going to the academy and training there her parents didn’t let up, which caused problems within the family.
Her aunt and uncle disagreed with the way the girl was being raised, saying it was better to be a child then to train like a chunin or jounin every day. Both of her parents being stubborn and hot headed simply replied saying they’d raise the girl how they wanted to, no ifs or ands about it. For all it was worth Zettai didn’t really care if she trained every day or if she wasted her time climbing up trees and trying to catch birds, she just wanted something to do in her spare time that didn’t involve other children though this was never said. Because of that simple fact her parents continued to train her the same way every day until she was 10, when she graduated from the academy.
In the few years to follow Zettai would quickly go up in ranks becoming the only Chunin in her squad after the exams after showing off jounin level tactical skills and some of the medical abilities she was taught by her sensei. Time would pass, the missions she and her squad were assigned would get harder and harder, though one seemed to push a members abilities.
On one certain mission they were required to gather in formation from a neighboring village, as well as retrieve some very important documents. On their way back to Toragakure the squad as attacked by group of ninja, out numbering them greatly. A large fight took place and it seemed the girls squad had the upper hand, the three ninjas firmly keeping their ground until an odd event took place. The oldest squad member had turned, attacking both Zettai and the other squad member, killing the other girl instantly and getting Zettai close to her heart. She wasn’t sure which one hurt more, the increasing pain in her chest or being attacked by the one of the only two people she considered to be a friend.
Out of anger, and the need to get rid of a traitor Zettai killed the boy after her tried to strike again. The other nin fled watching him die, Zettai passing out next to her dead teammates. Upon awaking she found herself back in a Toragakure hospital. Even though her body seemed to be healing up quickly her mind was still scarred deeply from what had happened earlier on, causing her to become distant and untrusting. The day after she was fully recovered she gave the documents to the Torakage, also finding out that she had been promoted to a jounin, and even though she was happy to hear this news she felt oddly empty for some reason.
Weapons: Anything she can conceal poison in...So lets see: Kunai, Senbon needles, 2 Trench knives, and 10 poisoned needles {in total} from her two wrist-mounted device, Double-Bladed Kunai, Shuriken, Makabishi, and her katana. She also carries around two small fans, and using her blood she can combine them to make a Kyodai Sensu. She also carries a kodachi though for some reason doesn’t use it.
To see if you read the rules: 3, Demi-god, beutyful , Rainbow, Koro rocks, and hidden.
Village: Toragakure Desired Rank: Special Jounin (( Assassination )) Sample Jutsu: Jutsu name: Shirahigi • Jikki Chikamatsu no Shuu - White Secret Technique • Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: With this technique, Zettai will summon ten puppets, with each puppet being manipulated by one finger on each hand. These puppets were made by the first Kugutsu no Jutsu user, Chikamatsu Monzaemon. These puppets can be used to initiate techniques in their own right, such as the Sanbou Kyuukai combination, chain attack combos and hidden weapon emplacements.
Weakness: If she’s not fully focused on her opponents she cannot get this jutsu to work, and can use up a lot of her chakra if she doesn’t try to fix the problem.
Advantage: There’s a type of puppet for every type of enemy almost. She’s good with controlling each one of them but most of the times only summons one or two, this depends on the enemy though.
Zettai Yoru · Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 10:08pm · 0 Comments |